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RE: Lag in Counter Strike Source.
you might have already solved it by now but i'll post anyway.. try typing these into the console (to enable console go into keyboard options, press advanced): [list] [*][b]cl_showfps 2[/b] <- this will tell you your frames per second. Usually anyth...
leprTech Talk04-11-2005 at 05:28 PM
[Suggestion] Resize webcam
is it possible to use a similar method to the DP resizing to resize your contact's webcam? Or is it possible at all to resize the webcam to a larger size than large? If it is i was thinking about 150 - 180% of large would be a good size on a maximiz...
leprWLM Plus! General12-06-2004 at 06:52 PM
RE: plug-in?
First try getting the plugin to send a message or change your name...just simple things and then work your way up :)
leprPlug-Ins12-04-2004 at 03:42 PM
RE: UPDATED: vbscript plugin host to Scripting Host V2 for MP!3 (with JScript support)
great :d lookin forward to it ...i dno if the new api will allow for a function such as SendMessage(), but if it doesn't could you get that in there? :D ..oh and when the update is released could you leave a message in this thread so i dont miss it ...
leprPlug-Ins12-03-2004 at 06:12 PM
RE: UPDATED: vbscript plugin host to Scripting Host V2 for MP!3 (with JScript support)
I'm making a vb plugin for this but i can only seem to get it to output 1 message. If anyone knows how to output multiple messages please let me know :D
leprPlug-Ins12-01-2004 at 01:05 PM
RE: [Suggestion] Aliases
ty CookieRevised :D
leprWLM Plus! General11-29-2004 at 10:44 PM
RE: [Suggestion] Coloured Nicks on MSN Interface
I know that with a listview control you can set each different item to have a different colour, but i'm not sure if it's possible to have different colours in each item. Never actually looked that far into it.
leprWLM Plus! General11-29-2004 at 02:20 AM
RE: [Suggestion] Copying formatted text
hmm it does for me *-) maybe because i have nnscript. I see your point about copying the conversation to notepad, but to that i'm just gonna say Plus! makes chat logs anyway that are saved in .txt files. Or maybe a new copy function could be added, ...
leprWLM Plus! General11-29-2004 at 02:17 AM
RE: [Suggestion] Aliases
Not everybody has the right tools/skill to be able to make a plugin for Plus! which is why i ask for a small scripting language to be implemented into the Plus! aliases EDIT: Even if it was a few new functions like (!R0,10) to take a random number fr...
leprWLM Plus! General11-28-2004 at 09:35 PM
RE: wish!!
Is it not possible to use a polygamy code to sign into a 2nd account but without a second GUI? I mean like set an option in the Messenger Plus! preferences to sign into another account, copy the contacts list, then make a new group in the original co...
leprWLM Plus! General11-28-2004 at 08:51 PM
[Suggestion] Copying formatted text
I've noticed that when I copy Messenger Plus! formatted text (like ctrl+b, ctrl+t, ctrl+k, etc) it just copies the text as if it had no formatting. I think it would be cool if when text is copied, the formatting is copied too. Just like in mIRC.
leprWLM Plus! General11-28-2004 at 08:04 PM
RE: Custom Names Suggestion for 3.4 - Patchou plz read
Im pretty sure each item in a list box (in this case the contact list) has a set height, so unless Patchou can change this to make each item double its height I doubt it'll be possible to have 2 lines for each contact.
leprWLM Plus! General11-28-2004 at 07:28 PM
RE: Graphical idea
Sorry if i've got the wrong idea, but it sounds like what ur asking for is this: You want the MSN contacts list to become a part of ur desktop so u can quickly see who's online and who isnt, but u want it to blend in with ur desktop to make it more...
leprWLM Plus! General11-21-2004 at 12:57 PM
[Suggestion] Aliases
At the moment i think we're only able to make aliases like /alias1 capable of saving a message, with a few functions like (!P). I would like to see in the near future, the ability to make aliases that are more like scripts (eg loops), a bit like how...
leprWLM Plus! General11-20-2004 at 05:27 PM
RE: "insult" suggestion
by "not realeased" i mean not shown in any menus etc. like when the sounds were once easter eggs - now they are known to all.
leprWLM Plus! General06-01-2004 at 09:42 PM
"insult" suggestion
i know the "insult" easter egg is not properly released yet, but before it is can u add a section in preferences to add your own insults? this would make it ALOT more fun compared to seeing the same insults replayed over and over again. thx.
leprWLM Plus! General06-01-2004 at 09:36 PM
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