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RE: VB: Forms
Yeah lol, I figured that out shortly after with a quick google. Never knew about the hwnd thing.
HeffyPlug-Ins05-31-2006 at 04:04 PM
RE: VB: Forms
I'm not sure how to use this API to show a new window :\ The examples only seem to show how to create new objects in a window.
HeffyPlug-Ins05-31-2006 at 03:32 PM
VB: Forms
I wish to display a form without it locking up the MSN window, which is what happens when you summon the form with the vbModel suffix. Anyone know a workaround?
HeffyPlug-Ins05-31-2006 at 01:22 PM
On Plus v4
What does it mean to use plugin authors? Will the API stay the same, or will we have to update our code? Or totally rewrite it from scratch? It would be logical that the plugin engine is updated, but I'm just wanting to know if it'll render everyth...
HeffyPlug-Ins01-31-2006 at 04:13 AM
RE: Known Problems with VB
Thanks for the help so far, guys! However, Cookie, the spam variable is used alot in the project - it's just my temporary variable. I couldn't think of a more suitable name at the time, so I just called it spam. Edit: On the undefined variable, ini...
HeffyPlug-Ins01-12-2006 at 02:20 AM
RE: Known Problems with VB
Update: I found a bug. For some reason, the saving of settings is saving to the wrong place. Instead of trying to fix the problem, I'll just move over to using the registry for saving settings.
HeffyPlug-Ins01-11-2006 at 02:09 PM
RE: Known Problems with VB
I used ^ as the divider, simply because if the person had a space in there name it would screw up the rest of the command by giving the wrong data when it gets split. Simple enough, right? The problem with my plugin is that it all works for me :\ W...
HeffyPlug-Ins01-11-2006 at 08:33 AM
RE: Known Problems with VB
With xgs and xss, you must keep the ^ dividers, or it simply will not work. The command, when it works, makes your name bold if you want, but also changes your name to indicate you are gaming, and gives you a pseudo-afk status (online status, with a...
HeffyPlug-Ins01-10-2006 at 01:44 PM
RE: Known Problems with VB
The plugin shows up, and works for the most part. Just for certain users, some of the commands don't work. For instance, my friend Kyle said that one of my commands didn't work, and demonstrated it. He executed the command, and instead of the expec...
HeffyPlug-Ins01-10-2006 at 08:50 AM
Known Problems with VB
I've noticed that when some people use my plugin, some of the functions don't work for them. I've absolutely no clue why this happens. I was wondering if anybody had a definitive list of things not to do when making a plugin in VB, so I can track ...
HeffyPlug-Ins01-10-2006 at 08:36 AM
RE: VB6 API Question
Obviously, lol. I kinda meant more like as in without actually sending messages, so we don't have needless text filling up the screen, which is not cool.
HeffyPlug-Ins10-09-2005 at 01:00 PM
RE: VB6 API Question
The problem with these methods is that I want to try and avoid sending any data into the chat window - wanna keep things neat and tidy, don't want to throw data around in chat. Although, if there's no other way, looks like I'll have too. Oh, and a...
HeffyPlug-Ins10-09-2005 at 08:36 AM
VB6 API Question
I'm working on a little plugin, just to toy around and kill boredom, but I've hit a bug. For what I want to achieve, I need to have a method to send a couple of integers to the person I'm talking too. I figure that I can do this somehow using noti...
HeffyPlug-Ins10-08-2005 at 04:29 PM
RE: assistance required
nono, i meant like the leetifier does.[hr]is it possible to make a stuffplug vbs or js find a certain letter and skip the word? i'm trying to make it not replace certain words if they're marked, ie if the word has $ in front, it wont replace the le...
HeffyPlug-Ins09-04-2004 at 12:10 PM
assistance required
i would like to make a plugin that changes the letters that you type, like the leetifier, but dont know how to go about doing it. does anybody have any advice or help? it would be much appreciated.
HeffyPlug-Ins09-04-2004 at 10:13 AM
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