What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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RE: RegisterWindowMessage & SendMessage
hmmm i can see the security issues. My thought is that you should be able to do with a plugin anything that can be done manually with messenger plus. HAve you guys found out something you thought you could do but there was no api for it?
limusPlug-Ins11-08-2004 at 11:03 PM
RE: Animating DP's, not abandoned yet.
why dont u send a message with the animated gif in it, have the other client recognise the message and extract it. Then, somehow manage to cycle the images in the message windows. This way, you can ask first if the other client has the plugin and sen...
limusPlug-Ins11-06-2004 at 06:28 PM
RE: RegisterWindowMessage & SendMessage
And you all do your plugins with the commands and tags provided? But!... there are a lot of cool features that could be used :D Custom names, boss mode, desktop contacts, etc there MUST be a way to use them :D
limusPlug-Ins11-06-2004 at 06:23 PM
RegisterWindowMessage & SendMessage
In the sample plugin, the code for changing your nick is [i] UINT nMsg = RegisterWindowMessage("MessengerPlus_SetName"); SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, nMsg, (WPARAM)sName, FALSE); [/i] also, to open a toast, it uses RegisterWindowMessage and SendM...
limusPlug-Ins11-06-2004 at 02:34 AM
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