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WHat is pop3email
i dont now but that other conversation about pop3email got me all puffed up about asking all you msgplus members. WHat the hell does Pop3 Email do?
bloshTech Talk12-31-2004 at 09:01 AM
RE: is there a new msn 7.2? or msn 9.0
I hate irony :(
bloshWLM Plus! Help12-31-2004 at 08:37 AM
RE: POP3 email help
um i dont know much about the POP3 email checker option but maybe u did one of the following: 1. this is not one of the things u did but probably it does it automatic and does not show you. 2. maybe u clicked sumthing in a hurry for it wont show you
bloshWLM Plus! Help12-31-2004 at 08:36 AM
RE: is there a new msn 7.2? or msn 9.0
oh so this means that there is going to be a 7.2 but not now in the future?
bloshWLM Plus! Help12-31-2004 at 08:28 AM
RE: is there a new msn 7.2? or msn 9.0
no what i mean has msn come out with a more advance msn than msn 7.0 beta do u get me UglyBoy?
bloshWLM Plus! Help12-31-2004 at 08:19 AM
is there a new msn 7.2? or msn 9.0
If there is can you send me the link to download it because i was searching those 2 msns on www.msn.com by typing download msn 7.2 and those 2 new things came up so if anyone knows if there is 1 and have the link please post it here. Thank you. |edit...
bloshWLM Plus! Help12-31-2004 at 08:15 AM
RE: How do people do Handwriten
OK thank you i downloaded it thanks you dont have 2 send messages Once again THANKS.
bloshWLM Plus! Help12-09-2004 at 03:08 AM
RE: How do people do Handwriten
sorry f1
bloshWLM Plus! Help12-09-2004 at 02:58 AM
RE: Handwriting Plugin Not working
do u know anyother website then that kaonet thing because it takes forever to load that web then it says website your looking for is offline at the moment.
bloshPlug-Ins12-09-2004 at 02:56 AM
RE: How do people do Handwriten
Im new to the forums so can u tell me where plugins is?
bloshWLM Plus! Help12-09-2004 at 02:51 AM
How do people do Handwriten
Im chatting with my friends and i tell them download msn 7 :) because it looks cool. So ok they download it and they start sending messages in handwritten formation. I ask how they do it they say look under the send button and click on handwrite but ...
bloshWLM Plus! Help12-09-2004 at 02:40 AM
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