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en ningun momento able de palabras tecnicas sino las correctas, no trato de dsicriminar
aneotoenaTranslation02-08-2006 at 11:15 PM
Tienes mucha razon en decir que teclear es mas comun, pero digitar como bien dijo otra persona es la palabra correcta, hay que tener en cuenta que es un programa de nivel profesional que tiene que tener un acabado profesional en todo sentido. No es p...
aneotoenaTranslation02-08-2006 at 08:12 PM
aneotoenaTranslation02-08-2006 at 07:02 PM
Bueno es mas comun en algunos paises, no en todos eso en primer lugar. En segundo lugar pues debes revisar el diccionario de la RAE para darte cuenta de la cantidad de acepciones y de la exactitud de las mismas, no se busca algo comun sino algo corre...
aneotoenaTranslation02-07-2006 at 05:54 PM
RE: Messenger Plus Casuing Disconnects/lag
the case is totally different dude we are talking about msn 7.5 you have WLM which has resources leaks everywhere. also the guy told the problem does not happen without plus.
aneotoenaWLM Plus! Help02-01-2006 at 11:21 PM
RE: Messenger Plus Casuing Disconnects/lag
well now we are sure is plus, seems like a lack of ram to me; when you sign in, there is a moment(when messenger is loading the contact list) in which the process uses a lot of cpu and eats a lot of ram and that can make your system veeeeeery sloooow...
aneotoenaWLM Plus! Help02-01-2006 at 10:46 PM
RE: Messenger Plus Casuing Disconnects/lag
like cookie revised said you haven't tried to uninstall plus and check if the problem persist. it does not matter if the tech specs are the same, software configurations may not be the same even if you think they are. do that first plz.
aneotoenaWLM Plus! Help02-01-2006 at 05:12 PM
aneotoenaTranslation01-31-2006 at 01:31 PM
a pesar de oirse raro teclear no necesariamente implica digitar y si se descarta tipear(que es aun mas usado) por estar gramaticamente incorrecto, entonces no se puede considerar teclear por la misma razon ya que semanticamente es menos preciso en lo...
aneotoenaTranslation01-30-2006 at 02:02 PM
RE: Mirror!!
:S why in the world would i change the mirror for porn :S? well it's just an offer. i'm offering tu host a mirror if u don't likle my idea it's ok. P.D.: I wouldn't change it for porn because i wouldn't share my porn, it's just MINE hahaha:P
aneotoenaForum & Website12-22-2004 at 04:09 PM
Well i've used msgplus! for a long time and today i was gonna download it again to install it on my new pc; when i opened the simtel mirror 5 pop ups appeared that was annoying. But i'm not complaining i wanna help so i want to know how to tell pat...
aneotoenaForum & Website12-22-2004 at 03:54 PM
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