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RE: Where is a password stored? The problem with Vista itself is that it gets to the boot screen (I only changed it so it has a /NOGUIBOOT bit, so it's that Aurora screen) and it says "Booting Windows Vista" at the bottom yet never changes. I can leave it on for an hour and stil... | Shippo | Skype & Live Messenger | 02-11-2008 at 02:58 PM |
Where is a password stored? I'm pretty curious, since Vista decided to lock me out of it's system on my laptop (it crapped itself up, I did nothing, so don't blame me on it) and I can't even get on Vista right now. (I'm going to install XP the MOMENT I can back up all my d... | Shippo | Skype & Live Messenger | 02-11-2008 at 05:14 AM |
RE: MS + Yahoo vs. Google *yawn* Another plot for Microcrap to take over the industry. They never give up, do they? It's pathetic of them... Yahoo is quite popular around the world and $44.6 billion probably ain't going to cut it. The only success I see in Microcrap is Wind... | Shippo | Tech Talk | 02-04-2008 at 01:28 PM |
RE: My pc keeps freezing for no reason, can anyone please help? I'm curious, how long as XP Pro been installed on your system? Due to Microsoft's lack of ability to keep their own systems clean, the registry does tend to fill up quickly with redundant stuff. I can't necessarily say what the issue is, it could... | Shippo | Tech Talk | 02-01-2008 at 03:04 PM |
RE: new comp (i wish) - hot or not? I can't help with matters in Australia (I've got a friend who rants to me about prices down there all the time), but I suggest sticking to Windows XP Pro for now. Vista just isn't worth $250 right now and I'm probably not going to wait for SP1 to... | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-31-2008 at 02:56 AM |
RE: New computer Then again, overclocking is usually never a good thing anyway.. no matter the amount of fans or whatever type of cooling it has. Whether or not it voids the warranty, I don't know, but I do believe it shortens the life of the hardware itself and you... | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-31-2008 at 02:53 AM |
RE: Router/internet discconecting and recconnecting all the time... Strange, I get a similar disconnect issue with my Linksys router, however my lights are fine. If your on a DSL connection, then dynamic IP's do tend to cut off for a minute and come back. There isn't much you can do about that though... Although, i... | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-31-2008 at 02:50 AM |
RE: Anyway to change the address of msn? Don't know if this will work to be honest, but it's worth trying... [url= portable]Pidgin Portable[/url] - could try that, but if the normal Pidgin doesn't work, then I suppose this won't either. | Shippo | Skype & Live Messenger | 01-31-2008 at 02:47 AM |
RE: Avatar presonalized for every personalized state Huh, doesn't sound like a bad idea. I honestly can't say whether or not it's possible right now, but not a bad idea. Although, my little issue is that I've got several pictures of the same person (I create characters myself and a friend draws the... | Shippo | WLM Plus! General | 01-31-2008 at 02:43 AM |
RE: Advertisement and Skins MessPatch works on WLM of course, you just need to find the right download. I personally use A-Patch which seems a bit better IMO and has picture previews of most of the things that'll change before you actually do the changes. | Shippo | WLM Plus! Help | 01-31-2008 at 02:40 AM |
RE: Problems Downloading Are you sure Plus! is installed? If not, you might want to ensure that. | Shippo | Skype & Live Messenger | 01-26-2008 at 06:29 PM |
RE: Msn signing in and out. Hum, don't know what to tell ya... I run 6 scripts right now but that's about it. It could indeed be some of the scripts possibly, or just one script that might be causing it. But I usually get kicked off MSN every week or so.. | Shippo | WLM Plus! Help | 01-26-2008 at 06:28 PM |
RE: New computer Like before, I'd switch out Vista for something else. Um, since I'm not a fan of nVidia, all I can suggest is some ATI card, but can't help much there anyway. | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-25-2008 at 10:52 PM |
RE: How exactly does Aero work? Aero is basically a transparent layer in the windows and taskbar.. it's nothing special to be honest and quite useless for window borders and such. (that's how I see it) | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-25-2008 at 10:50 PM |
RE: Msn signing in and out. Can't help you no the Script Window area, but I think the Messenger Service in your area is glitchy. I got it before and I still get kicked off of WLM every now and then for no apparent reason. Most of the time, I don't even know it. | Shippo | WLM Plus! Help | 01-25-2008 at 10:48 PM |
RE: Status Yes yes, I know... but it is as I said, the connection between WLM and YIM are very sketchy, so they aren't always accurate.. | Shippo | Skype & Live Messenger | 01-23-2008 at 06:08 AM |
RE: Status There are posts around here, and a sticky, that block checkers do not work. But anyway, it is a bit of a bug and the system isn't seamless, so there are likely to be errors in detecting whether someone is online or not... | Shippo | Skype & Live Messenger | 01-22-2008 at 04:00 AM |
RE: Can someone edit thie please for me The login info doesn't work or you must of changed it o.O (I'd like a look myself to see how simple/hard it might be) | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-21-2008 at 11:21 PM |
RE: Status Nah, it's not really a bug per-say, but.. it's the 'beta'-ness of the WLM <-> YIM integration they got going on. I tested it at one point, but I never could fully test it that much to make a difference since I don't know anyone with YIM these da... | Shippo | Skype & Live Messenger | 01-21-2008 at 11:16 PM |
RE: Messenger PLus! Live= Swizzor Trojan???? The new update sounds much better. I have a small issue with the sponsor program since I don't want my programs going haywire over it and getting 50 million popups just to delete something. (one reason why I don't install it) And plus, I have thing... | Shippo | WLM Plus! General | 01-21-2008 at 11:12 PM |
RE: Iphone anyone? The iPhone by itself.. err... expensive, that's all I got to say. $600 along with a $2,000 contract with AT&T is downright expensive as hell.. The iPhone is fine and all, but with such little space on it, it's just overpriced for internet, phone, s... | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-21-2008 at 04:32 AM |
RE: HTML layout is messed up. Well, I guess the page source in browsers tend to help sometimes. XD | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-16-2008 at 11:58 AM |
RE: iPods Ahh.. I don't own it, so it was worth a try. Oh well... I haven't figured out Winamp's plugin myself, so I couldn't really help. | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-16-2008 at 11:57 AM |
RE: HTML layout is messed up. I took a look at the page source through FireFox, and the source you gave us is a tad different, only by a small margin. I'm seeing paragraph tags, an opening before the "Please use my phone in urgent issues" and an ending tag after this line: "Y... | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-16-2008 at 09:55 AM |
RE: iPods I copied all of my songs from my iPod directly from it. o.o; No programs or anything at all. I didn't have a good backup of my songs and my iPod was the only thing I keep updated mostly since I love the songs I listen to. I don't know if the same m... | Shippo | Tech Talk | 01-16-2008 at 09:45 AM |