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RE: [Idea] Random Sounds (plz read)
yeah, they really need to do something about it... Its really Terrible, its an Awesome feature don't get me wrong, i use it all the time, but when it comes to getting new ones, its so bad >.< Maybe they should a Server for Each Country or somethin
Trunkz_JrWLM Plus! General04-19-2005 at 06:32 AM
RE: [Idea] Random Sounds (plz read)
bah, that totally sucks, it was awesome at first, but now i can't get a single one, i have keep searching the net for sound packs and making my own >.< can't they just have an English Server, French, etc? It can't be THAT hard.
Trunkz_JrWLM Plus! General04-19-2005 at 04:21 AM
[Idea] Random Sounds (plz read)
ok i dunno about anyone, but when im looking for Random Sounds, its always in different Languages like French, Arabic, Spanish etc, and i was wondering if they could have a Strictly English Catagory, French, Spansh, Arabic, Other or something so that...
Trunkz_JrWLM Plus! General04-19-2005 at 04:15 AM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
that so retarded tho, who would belive the crap that they dish out -_- man, their just gonna piss off more countrys and bring a WWIII even closer.
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-21-2005 at 09:33 PM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
thats a good point that you make there, but would you call the terrorists attacks declared as a world war? they are suiciding all over different countrys, and everyone IS against Terrorsts. they must run out of members some day.
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-20-2005 at 05:25 PM
RE: Longer Sounds
true, but not everyone is on dialup ^_^ i hope someone makes a tweek or something tho :D i wanna play One Winged Angel from FF7 to friends (besides 30 seconds isn't that bad, i could understand if it was like 3min long, but i mean 30seconds should b...
Trunkz_JrWLM Plus! General03-17-2005 at 06:19 PM
Longer Sounds
does anyone (or can someone make) a tweek to make sounds play longer or plus or make it an Option you can Enable, because 10seconds really isn't that long, i downloaded the 1 tweek to make COntactsounds 100seconds or whatever and was great cause i w...
Trunkz_JrWLM Plus! General03-17-2005 at 05:54 PM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
Wah? he never said anything about ray guns or gravity vehicles lol, and we didn't say anything about Japan :P we said China :P (and no their not the same thing) and yea we should worry about both those Countries. I don't trust either one of them, ...
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-16-2005 at 08:38 PM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
Yeah, but US doesn't need Hastle cause US aren't hidng anything (Cept Area 51 :P) but this is a country whos been known to use Chemical/Biological weapons against Iraq, and if the UN feel they should just do a simple inspection just to make sure t...
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-14-2005 at 09:45 PM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
true it does say 1999, or 2001 (depending on who translated it along time ago, eg-1980s or so) but you can also say that about the other World Wars and other predictions, being off by 5-10years or so is still too close rather then being off then 50ye...
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-13-2005 at 02:46 PM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
i dunno, could be right tho, because at the beggining of the war, Russia is part of the Eastern forces (or semi joined), then their president or someone is assasinted and a new one comes to power and decides to Join America, and Russia puts a huge b...
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-13-2005 at 02:08 AM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
"now u messed up ur geography" yeah your right i did mess up my Geography, sorry that i don't live in Europe and know every place in every spot, not like you know all the states or canadas provinces in tact :P Maybe people wanna be a little more ...
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-13-2005 at 01:39 AM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
Just calm down already alright? it was just talking about 2 things at once, and i was just showing you what it said about Portugul (and the only thing) not about it getting Bombed or anything, boy your just itchin to start World World III in this for...
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-13-2005 at 01:25 AM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-13-2005 at 01:12 AM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
These threads are just too much proxy man:S..It's like..We will all die in 2015...:S... [/quote] Is it? or is it because your worried that you yourself live in Europe. "[V.55] In the fortunate country of Arabia will be born one powerful in the laws...
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-13-2005 at 12:49 AM
RE: ==| Help No MSN Sound |==
is there any other way to fix the problem lol cause i don't wanna lose all my stuff on my computer just to fix a few sounds ^_^ maybe my sound card or something could be it?
Trunkz_JrSkype & Live Messenger03-13-2005 at 12:04 AM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
Well, Don't be surprized if it happens, i mean i don't belive predictions and all this crap, but when i read about it, then i see the news like China comming to arms, and Iran getting that Nucleaur Reactor from Russia "saying they just wanna use i...
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-12-2005 at 11:58 PM
RE: World War III [Possible?]
well if you read about his predictions, all of europe will be mostly destroyed including england, 1/3 of the worlds population will be wiped out, luckly not 1 thing says anything about canada ^_^ -Arnolds voice- "Come to Canada if you want to live"...
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-12-2005 at 10:57 PM
World War III [Possible?]
is it just me, or does it look like a WWIII could break out at just any time, i mean with Iran and China and few other countries it could be a possiblity, maybe that nostradamus guy is right since he did predict it, i mean he did Predict WWI and WWII...
Trunkz_JrGeneral Chit Chat03-12-2005 at 09:59 PM
RE: ==| Help No MSN Sound |==
hmmm, i just relized this could be a bigger then what it is, i also have like you know that recycle bin sound when you empty it and it goes crumble crumble crumble lol, well when i do it, it goes "Beep" even with the sound all the way down, and i h...
Trunkz_JrSkype & Live Messenger03-12-2005 at 09:54 PM
RE: ==| Help No MSN Sound |==
yep, ive already tried that, i've played them all, all the sounds work in there, all those sounds: Contact Online, New Alert, New Mail, New Mobile Message, Nudge. i click ok and i got someone to message me and still no sound (you know the "Do Do D...
Trunkz_JrSkype & Live Messenger03-12-2005 at 02:27 PM
==| Help No MSN Sound |==
i've totally lost my MSN sound, yet i can play music, games, even AIM and ICQ sounds work find, yet i have no MSN Sounds period, i've checked the options and the Option is ticked meaning it should work, and i've tried uninstalling it then reinstal...
Trunkz_JrSkype & Live Messenger03-12-2005 at 02:09 PM
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