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RE: WLM iPhone/iPod Touch App It supports MPoP, but imperfectly so. Messages you send from your iPod do not appear in your conversation on your computer. However, messages sent from your computer do appear on the iPod. A bit iffy, but that's how it is. | Aardvark | Skype & Live Messenger | 06-29-2010 at 04:15 PM |
RE: Essentials Public Beta release @DrPizza Peter Bright! Wow fancy running into you here after reading your article on Ars. On a more Messenger related note, I'd like to see better integration with Office. In particular, Outlook. | Aardvark | Skype & Live Messenger | 06-26-2010 at 06:48 AM |
RE: You all wanted it, now i've got it, Messenger Plus! portable Many years ago I got flamed for calling BS on this one and I believe mine and a whole lot of others posts were deleted for being so rude. aha | Aardvark | WLM Plus! General | 04-11-2010 at 12:57 PM |
RE: Messenger Lock sometimes doesn't restore original status after unlocking This is somewhat similar, but under Windows 7 if Plus! is locked and a personalized status is initiated, when WLM is unlocked the personalized status will remain in the permanent WLM entry of WLM in the Windows 7 taskbar - i.e. the thing that remains... | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 08-02-2009 at 03:35 PM |
Feature suggestion: webcam/phone call remain connected when screen locked & WLM on 7 If you're ever on or viewing webcam, in a video call or just a phone call on WLM: if you ever lock the screen, any and all of these will immediately disconnect. I automatically lock my screen (windows+l) as soon as anyone walks into my room, and don... | Aardvark | WLM Plus! General | 08-02-2009 at 03:30 PM |
RE: (!VER) Reports Wrong Version in Windows 7 64 Bit ...yes. OK problem solved nevermind. | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 04-19-2009 at 05:37 AM |
(!VER) Reports Wrong Version in Windows 7 64 Bit In Windows 7 64 Bit (!VER) reports I'm using Vista x64 rather than 7 x64. In 7 x86 (!VER) reports I'm using 7 as it should. Could be a problem with 7 itself but since it works in x86 I'm inclined to believe it's a problem with Plus! Windows 7 x64... | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 04-18-2009 at 04:12 PM |
RE: Ctrl+I For Itallics Suddenly...everything makes so much sense. | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 02-24-2009 at 12:46 PM |
RE: Ctrl+I For Itallics Ah. Yes, this makes sense, I thought it would be this. Thinking back I actually remember Plus! did used to once upon a time insert really strange symbols when I formatted my sentences. | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 02-24-2009 at 12:39 PM |
RE: Ctrl+I For Itallics It is too. Thanks. But now my question would be why ctrl+t? And furthermore if it's actually ctrl+t, why have this weird function happening when you press ctrl+i? Wouldn't it make more sense make it ctrl+i instead? Or is there some reason why that... | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 02-24-2009 at 11:19 AM |
Ctrl+I For Itallics While I find it bizarre that when you select a word and press ctrl+b, u or i the word does not stylize, but indents to the right slightly with a strange space beside it between the previously typed word (if any). When you press enter, the word(s) wil... | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 02-24-2009 at 09:05 AM |
RE: Chat Log Loading Bug Excellent. Thanks. | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 02-22-2009 at 07:03 AM |
Chat Log Loading Bug Sometimes when I open a chat log with a contact, when i scroll down the bottom (or just press the end key) all I see is white. If I scroll up to the half way mark I see the bottom half of the words cut off. So pretty much, it's failed to load comple... | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 02-22-2009 at 06:57 AM |
RE: Clearing text, without closing See 21&page=1 | Aardvark | Scripting | 09-24-2008 at 08:59 AM |
RE: How to get a larger dp Do you mean in the conversation window or contact list? In the conversation window you can't and in the contact list at the right hand side there is a green button with up and down arrows on it. Click this and then click show details. | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Help | 09-23-2008 at 11:14 AM |
RE: Cannot sign into the new public beta Reinstall the contacts.msi file which can be found at C:\Program FIles\common files\Windows Live\<random numbers>\contacts.msi | Aardvark | Skype & Live Messenger | 09-23-2008 at 09:46 AM |
RE: Site Redesigned, need your opinions again <3 Anything but what you've done? :P | Aardvark | Tech Talk | 09-21-2008 at 03:25 PM |
RE: Site Redesigned, need your opinions again <3 Hahaha why would you want to do peoples work for them? | Aardvark | Tech Talk | 09-21-2008 at 03:21 PM |
RE: Site Redesigned, need your opinions again <3 What service? | Aardvark | Tech Talk | 09-21-2008 at 03:14 PM |
RE: Site Redesigned, need your opinions again <3 Inc.? What are you a company now? :P Anyway yeah it's good - much improvement from the old one. | Aardvark | Tech Talk | 09-21-2008 at 03:12 PM |
RE: Messenger 9 Pop Up Problem What sort of pop ups do you mean? | Aardvark | Skype & Live Messenger | 09-21-2008 at 02:11 PM |
Change the version on Quite often now people are coming onto IRC and asking whether Plus! is compatible with the new beta of WLM 9 - they are confused because says that Plus! should be compatible. I feel that this page should be amended to sp... | Aardvark | Forum & Website | 09-21-2008 at 01:46 PM |
RE: Funky colours bug. I had this problem myself, and running Cookie's reg file is what fixed it. It seems that WLM 9 overrides WLM 8.5's settings, and when MP!L (as well as its installer) goes to check in the registry for WLM's existance, these entries added by WLM 9 m... | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 09-20-2008 at 10:36 AM |
RE: Funky colours bug. Run that, and possibly reinstall Plus! All should be fine. EDIT: WARNING: This deletes all your settings for WLM, however keep in mind these settings can be easily set again. | Aardvark | WLM Plus! Bug Reports | 09-20-2008 at 10:19 AM |
RE: Error With Installing WLM 8.5 This problem has been solved on IRC by using a standalone installer instead of the web one. | Aardvark | Skype & Live Messenger | 09-20-2008 at 09:21 AM |