What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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RE: Contest 2009: Week 1 & 2 Results
Oh damned I tried but can't find any price. I tried all first 30 pixels horizontal and vertical from the left-top corner, nothing :(
bramvandeperreAnnouncements & News07-27-2009 at 01:06 PM
RE: [Release] Twit2MSN V1.2.2
@Menthix, however there were private betas earlier than this, I guess. I'm using twitter2psm for a very very long time now, lol edit: 2009-03-13 was the initial twitter2PSM release. I was already using it before that (A), as a beta tester/bug report...
bramvandeperreScripting07-14-2009 at 02:24 PM
RE: Preg replace syntax
thanks alot, but what if there is no alt at all? then the filename should be there (like image001.jpg or so)
bramvandeperreTech Talk12-05-2008 at 11:40 PM
Preg replace syntax
Heya all! I got some little question for you. [code]<img src="image.png" alt="blah" /> this is an image. [/code] should become [code] <a href="image.png">blah</a> this is an image. [/code] I wanted to do this using a preg replace, but I suck in...
bramvandeperreTech Talk12-05-2008 at 10:54 PM
RE: Compatibility with Messenger 2009 Beta
yay, Happy Halloween Patchou and everyone here on the forums, great news there is finally a working Plus! version that isn't leaked and that works with WLM2009. EDIT: [url=http://bramvandeperre.be/page/02/35/Messenger +Plus!+Live+-+now+for+WLM2009]Po...
bramvandeperreAnnouncements & News11-01-2008 at 12:08 PM
[request] SmartMessage Checker
Heya all! I got a request that'll be useful for 1000's of dutch and belgian students. Smartschool is an interactive custom platform for students to communicate with their teachers and/or upload homework, make tests, fill in surveys, download inform...
bramvandeperreScripting09-30-2008 at 08:30 PM
RE: Link from browsercontrol
nevermind, i got it all now..
bramvandeperreScripting08-23-2008 at 01:12 PM
RE: Windows Live Messenger 9 (2009) (14.0.3921.717)
or me? nah :P go ahead mynetx, you deserve it :P
bramvandeperreSkype & Live Messenger08-11-2008 at 09:32 PM
RE: [Release] WLMStatus 1.30.49 - Easy Web Display of your Messenger Status
New styles have been added, including The Simpsons Movie, South Park and Olympics 2008-images. Check out [url]wlmstatus.net[/url] for more info!
bramvandeperreScripting08-10-2008 at 10:03 PM
Link from browsercontrol
Heya! I have some stupid questions, but i'll have to ask them. [list=1] [*]How can I make my form work in the browser control? I have a browser control, but the form inside it doesn't work, however it does work in Internet Explorer [*][s]How can I ...
bramvandeperreScripting08-10-2008 at 12:30 PM
RE: Messenger Plus! 3 Updated
LOL does MP!3 still exist? :P I forgot about it.. in fact, how many people still use Windows 98 or Windows ME? Probably < 0,1% of all users..
bramvandeperreAnnouncements & News07-24-2008 at 12:34 PM
RE: [!REQUEST!] very simple, but I can't
I don't want to check, i will use it myself to easily update my PSM :D hrm, doesn't work? :S oh well i'll try a bit :D thanks update: nope. not even Plus!'s Interface Tester lets the xml work.. saved it as res1.xml, loaded it as res1.xml.. grr! u...
bramvandeperreScripting07-20-2008 at 02:28 PM
[!REQUEST!] very simple, but I can't
heya folks, I need just one tiny XML that creates a Plus! window, with the text "Hoeveel geld heb je gekregen?", a text field under it, and an OK button. and I need the code to call the window and get what's in the textfield ;) can someone help me...
bramvandeperreScripting07-20-2008 at 01:55 PM
RE: Euro 2008
tzzzzz.. Everything for more users?^^ I knew Spain'd win, they did good. I even thought the Netherlands would win, but when they became worse, Spain was the best and I was (almost) sure.
bramvandeperreGeneral Chit Chat06-29-2008 at 09:37 PM
RE: [326] RTL Plus! windows bug
right, bug confirmed :D
bramvandeperreWLM Plus! Bug Reports06-28-2008 at 06:45 PM
RE: Beta Tester T-Shirt Recieved :D
nice. i didn't know you'd also post the postcard here? btw, for the non-believers, the postcard IS REALLY from patchou, i've seen it using a webcam^^..
bramvandeperreGeneral Chit Chat04-22-2008 at 06:26 PM
RE: [Release] WLMStatus 1.30.49 - Easy Web Display of your Messenger Status
I think it's better to post that stuff @ the forums.. [url=http://techytalk.meetcweb.com/forumdisplay.ph p?fid=4]Help & Support[/url] [url=http://techytalk.meetcweb.com/forumdisplay.ph p?fid=6]Bug reporting[/url] edit: nvm, he'll contact you
bramvandeperreScripting04-02-2008 at 09:13 AM
RE: [Release] WLMStatus 1.30.49 - Easy Web Display of your Messenger Status
official forum is here! [url]http://forums.wlmstatus.net[/url]!
bramvandeperreScripting04-01-2008 at 09:03 PM
RE: empty preferences window
hey cookie, thanks! but 1 problem: i'm not as experienced as you.. == edit == i'm trying and it's working a bit.. just leave me trying and we'll see ;)[hr]thanks MeEtc, my problem is solved. you may expect a dutch languaged YASS asap
bramvandeperreWLM Plus! Help02-23-2008 at 09:22 AM
RE: empty preferences window
one text tab.. but i'll remove & change the text.. that's not a real problem.. the other tabs are the problem :p
bramvandeperreWLM Plus! Help02-22-2008 at 11:38 PM
RE: empty preferences window
you have it too :) just go to "Plus!" and then "Preferences" (maybe localized into your language..
bramvandeperreWLM Plus! Help02-22-2008 at 11:24 PM
RE: empty preferences window
how? :) edit: found it.. now permission from patchou.. edit2: it is hard to use the graphics layered in photoshop (colors, positions, right image on right spot), someone who is experienced? skinners?? the red crosses show what has to be removed.. btw...
bramvandeperreWLM Plus! Help02-22-2008 at 10:29 PM
empty preferences window
hey, i need an empty messenger plus preferences window, without those 4 upper tabs (just 1, without text) and no tabs at the left.. can someone help me? maybe patchou, he owns the whole stuff? i need it for a plugin site (a site about a plugin).. tha...
bramvandeperreWLM Plus! Help02-22-2008 at 09:37 PM
RE: translation
thanks ^^
bramvandeperreGeneral Chit Chat01-27-2008 at 11:47 AM
RE: translation
bramvandeperreGeneral Chit Chat01-27-2008 at 11:39 AM
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