RE: Boy 11 Drives around. This would not happen in England. Most of our 11 yr olds are about having sex and drinking white lighting in public parks while shouting abusive language at anyone who looks at them :)
RE: [Spoilers] Heroes - New Season!!! I believe that the brother does have powers. And also that the brother and sister are connected some way. Like how she screamed at them that it wasn't a good idea to hurt her brother? I think she has the condition which Suresh was talking about at t...
RE: woo, there goes freedom. His allotted time for the question was up, but he refused to step down and created a scene. When he was being escorted from the podium, he resisted and caused a struggle. He was warned multiple times that if he did not co-orperate then he would be ...
RE: Best ads for publishers? I use [url= v_ref.dbm?Affiliate_ID=25&Ref_Option=pub&Ref_PID=3 0588]BidVertiser[/url]. Tis good because they pay straight to my pay pal after I receive at least $10. There is no set amount per-click. Some co...
RE: what is wrong? [code] var Windows = Messenger.CurrentChats; [/code] The Messenger.CurrentChats is a list of chat windows already open. [code] var e = new Enumerator(Windows); [/code] Here we enumerate the list so we can sort the chat windows individually. ...
RE: what is wrong? you haven't defined a chat window to send the message from. This will work: [code] function OnEvent_MyPsmChange(NewPsm) { var Windows = Messenger.CurrentChats; var e = new Enumerator(Windows); for(; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) { var ChatWindow =
RE: Tab Close Script by Minjul that does it: -Closer/ Other threads like this:*** ***** ** [i]Links Removed-Stig[/i]
RE: Orange notifications Hey there, why dont you give this script a try :) nger-Plus!-Live-Enhancer/
RE: What mobile phone do you have/ did you have? Nokia 6822 - Got wet and some of the keys didnt work Nokia 7650 -2005 to 2006 Nokia 7210 -Stolen Nokia 3330 -2003 to 2005 Nokia 6150 -2002 to 2003 Going to buy a Nokia n80 soon :) Basically I'm creaming my pants about the wifi option :P
RE: [Release] Myspace Manager That will be fixed in the next version :) Keep your eyes peeled for a toast popup saying there is a new update :) Not my fault really... Myspace updated the page :( ps: if anyone cares it seems they may be updating myspace with skins?
RE: [Release] Myspace Manager [s]That's weird, unless you keep being signed out of myspace there is no other explanation. It only shows that message once you have been logged in and recieved your friend ID. It only does that once when you have signed in :/ Are you using another...
RE: [Release] Myspace Manager It opens the webpage in the default browser :) and the page cannot be displayed error is nothing to do with my script I don't think. Sorry about your problem.