RE: php coding help you dont have to use echo to print html you can just close that part of the script with " ?>" and then writing all the html you want then using "<?" to start the php again then whenever you need to print a varible or something into the html just ...
RE: Getting rid of Windows Messenger!! HELP all i did was rename the windows messenger folder and it stoped it running and then whenever i need it i just rename it back to what it was before
RE: another plug sug yea didnt think of doing that im just reading up about how to recive email from a pop3 server i can send emails no problems just have not a clue on how to recive them so if anyone wants to post things that might help me go ahead
RE: another plug sug hmm the reading emails bit would be easy but making popup's like that seems pretty hard if i get much time in the next few days ill try and make a plugin that alerts you with a messege box then try and make my own popup's
RE: what router would you recommend yea im prepered to buy a new modem but i would prefer a combo with a modem and a router. yea i bought a cheap one and i got pretty annoyed at it because it would never dial to the internet...long story short it dosnt work anymore. at the moment ive g...
what router would you recommend im looking for a router because im getting sick of the software ones. ive never bought a router before so what would you recomend and why? if it matters i have adsl 512/126k
RE: Update to Screenshot Sender 3 Beta - 3.0.555 hmm dual monitors still isnt supported but it does weird things when i type the command /xssselect 1 in the old versions it would take a screenshot of my right screen and display it on my right screen well when i type it now it takes a screanshot of...
RE: Php coding help if i remember right the noscript tag will display whats inside it insted of the javascript if scripts are off [code]<noscript> test </noscript>[/code]