RE: Is there an end to space man but mp3 and all the stuff your talking about were reachable things!!Don't compare The human being Appearance with mp3...
RE: Forums...Where to get?!? k sorry i forgot i could edit posts...:S...but does the forum work with front page?does front page do php web pages or just html?
RE: Forums...Where to get?!? kinda...about the login and the it included in the zip file as for mybb , for example? by the way does anybody know a god html editor..(a non-code one...a visual one..) html or php.. mod: use the edit button to add stuff to your p...
RE: Is there an end to space Well here's another thought of mine... Kinda..I dont think we'll never get to that idea i've posted few days's the quote... Just for the ones who don't believe in do you think human kind appeard?:? Like i said in ...
RE: Photography anyone? man relly nice favourite one is this one [link][/lin k] Keep doing it..You know how to do it :P...
RE: Photo editors thanks trax...:) Listen KittyAngel in the site to download PhotoPlus 5.5 there's another program named 3dPlus... Is it good or what? I'm just asking and not downloading 'acuse i can't exceed me download plafond(2 international gb...i've downloa...
Photo editors Listen guys (and ladys:P).. I was doing some fotos pasting in :|MS Pain:|(:)) and i thought that program was a bit i decided to go after a good one on the net... The best i found was this one... Link : [u][color=blue][b]http://www.vicma...
RE: Is there an end to space people...i just have this to say... We weren't made to discover certain the end of space...only the word in it..who called it space?a person who that is was enourmous...we are like a water drop in an ocean or a cloud in the sky...if so...
RE: Euro 2004 - (Portugal) oh eggis you should do ur homework... Portugal won Spain,ENGLAND and HOLLAND! Greece game stile is always the same!They make the opponent tired then they score a :refuck: goal...that just aint fair...
RE: Euro 2004 - (Portugal) |rolando| i totally agree with you man! tell me smthng how do i put images in my signature?i'd like to put a euro2004 image there...
RE: Euro 2004 - (Portugal) man i'm portuguese...greece had a big f****** luck!god how is it cup germany 2006 is for us boys:p leave our way;)
RE: How to do plugins... man i saw that allready but that's to F******* complicated to learn by myself:P sorry about the F******:S i'm kinda messed up my girl dumped me today:(