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RE: are there any plugins tha would allow me to......
....ANNNDDDDD....... are there any plugins that would allow me to see contacts who ''apear offline'' but realy the've signed in2 msn....i think ive heard of such a plugin but i cant remember where (lol).... and it would be ideal if it was compat...
kasimPlug-Ins01-11-2005 at 06:20 PM
RE: msg plus has some extra plugins but u gotta install them thru the wndws regstry +....
thanx ;) for tellin me that 'sunshine' but i think thats a little too complicated for me 2 understand.......can u or anyone else plz explain it in understandable ENGLISH (lol) ???.....or is that the simplest it can become
kasimWLM Plus! Help01-11-2005 at 05:50 PM
are there any plugins tha would allow me to......
......allow me to; 'steal' C/E and display pics, be notified when a contact closes the conversation window, make file transfering faster, changing the colour of ur display name/nick (apart from 'color nick v2), auto talker, oversized emotions, '...
kasimPlug-Ins01-11-2005 at 05:45 PM
RE: msg plus has some extra plugins but u gotta install them thru the wndws regstry +....
ya but can anyone tell me wat exactly the windows registry is ???? ;)
kasimWLM Plus! Help01-11-2005 at 05:29 PM
msg plus has some extra plugins but u gotta install them thru the wndws regstry +....
....ANNDDD i dont know exactly what that is, BUT i realy wanna install som of them added features ..... lol .... is there any1 out there who can tell me how to install them and tel me wat the windows registry is ????? ( i heard its somethin real comp...
kasimWLM Plus! Help01-10-2005 at 05:43 PM
on stuff plug NG 1 of the features allows u to....but....
........one of the features allows u to 'steal' steal other peoples display pics and another allows u to be alerted wen the person ur talkin 2 closes the conversation window. These 2 along with a few other features dont seem 2 b workin, because wen...
kasimPlug-Ins01-09-2005 at 11:10 PM
can u talk to people wen u appear offline ?............
........can u talk to people whilst apearing offline and share files with them. And wen i'm havin a conversation (so am 'online') can i appear offline without havin to stop the conversation (i.e. to not stop sharing files) does any1 know if thurs...
kasimSkype & Live Messenger01-09-2005 at 10:33 PM
on msn v7 beta wen u......
.....wen u sign in, wel b4 u sign, it gives u the usual statases to sign as (eg: 'appear offline/away etc etc). i juat wanna know if wen u sign as a particular status, lets say 'appear offline', will that show my contacts that i have signed in and...
kasimWLM Plus! Help01-09-2005 at 08:35 PM
can i sign into 2 msn accounts at the same time on 1 pc ??? any1 know ???
[b]is it possible to sign into more than 1 msn account at the same time on 1 pc ?? so i can talk to people from different msn accounts at the same time, iknow its a bit confusing but is there a plugin for this, or is it even possible ???????
kasimWLM Plus! Help01-09-2005 at 07:07 PM

ive got the msn 'stuff plug NG plugin', and some of its features dont seem 2 be working. 4 eg the display pic stealer, doesnt work, it jus says ''The CE/DP Stealer is not inatialized! please enable in the options dialoge!'' - what options dio...
kasimWLM Plus! Help01-08-2005 at 05:01 PM
has anyone got this ?
i just want to know whether theres a plugin that allows me to be seen as 'online' to some of my contacts and 'offline' or 'away' etc to other contacts. In other words i want to be able to show different statuses to different contacts, is there ...
kasimSkype & Live Messenger01-07-2005 at 10:14 PM
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