Delete... Hiya everyone i got win xp but when something went wrong with it i installed another one but now when i boot my pc it has two xps y is this and how can i delete 1 of them thanks in adave (i no uull help me cos everyones kool:) )
Windows xp right i have windows xp and im computer administrator and theres another account which is also compiuter administrator on the other account i can remove MY password from the other account how can i stop this apart from making her a limited user. is ...
Sony Ericsson Z600 help hi i have a sony erricson z600 and im having problems. is thewre away to deocode a phone so that when i close the phone (as in shut it its a Flip phone) when i shut my phonne if im on a game it closes how can i stop it.
web messenger hiya everyone. at school they block web messnger by keywords like messenger is there away of getting msn (web) on without messenger or msn in the address
MSN 7 winks error on msn windows the winks arnt showing them to ur mate so if i sent one they wouldnt see it if they sent one to u u canrt see it either its either my msn or everyones y is it though