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RE: PHP - filename editing on the fly.
How would that work? If I want to just get the file extension and add a totally different filename :S I'm confusing myself now :(
NathanTech Talk10-20-2008 at 09:54 PM
RE: PHP - filename editing on the fly.
I see, like explode() it to get the file extension, and then do it that way. Hmm I thought there would be an easier way :( Ah well, looks like I'll be doing it like that. Unless anyone else wants to post a sollution?
NathanTech Talk10-20-2008 at 09:32 PM
RE: PHP - filename editing on the fly.
Yeah but not all of them are zip, this is the complication. It can be exe, cabs, zip, rars and the list goes on... I tried that originally (what you posted dempsey). Thanks though :)
NathanTech Talk10-20-2008 at 05:52 PM
RE: PHP - filename editing on the fly.
I currently use a header to fetch the file. Basically when you click download it goes to the download page, which then fetches the id, and searches the db and finds relative results. It then headers it to the file (after adding +1 to the download co...
NathanTech Talk10-20-2008 at 03:11 PM
RE: PHP - filename editing on the fly.
No, I want the background to stay in view at all time and not move and repeat... That's the desgin. Anyway were going off topic... Help :p EDIT: Thanks JA :P, yeah get it fixed whore :(
NathanTech Talk10-20-2008 at 10:13 AM
RE: PHP - filename editing on the fly.
Meh thats because you have a shitty resolution, it works okay for 1024x768 and upwards. I'm recoding + redesigning it for the next update anyway, for the time being you can put up with it :P Static background is fine on my firefox :S BTW: I didn't ...
NathanTech Talk10-20-2008 at 08:08 AM
RE: PHP - filename editing on the fly.
I'll give you an idea of what I mean just before I try any of these methods (short on time, I have not alot of time to fiddle): Say we go to: http://www.touch-innovation.com/details-226-3/ And you go down, and click "Download" It will popup the bo...
NathanTech Talk10-19-2008 at 10:52 PM
RE: PHP - filename editing on the fly.
How would that work? I have over 300 programs + skins that need to change on the fly...
NathanTech Talk10-19-2008 at 10:43 PM
PHP - filename editing on the fly.
Okay so here's the situation. Whenever I upload via the admin control panel, it will change the filename and change it to a random one that hasn't been used yet. This helps keep the site running smoothly with multiple admins. Problem is, I get mul...
NathanTech Talk10-19-2008 at 10:33 PM
RE: Fixed position in IE6 - Help needed
I can't really do that, but I can display a notification about it. About 1000 hits per day are from ie6 - thats like 10% of all my hits, that's a big percentage, I'm driving away users!
NathanTech Talk10-19-2008 at 11:22 AM
RE: Fixed position in IE6 - Help needed
OKay so it didn't work :( Anyone else wanna give it a go? Thanks :)
NathanTech Talk10-18-2008 at 05:05 PM
RE: Vista Home Premium - Black after logon screen
No, I do have a vista disk in my alienware briefcase thingy at home. I am at school all week - and I'm not going home next week cos of another party so :S It was either wait for a few weeks with no laptop or install xp. Xp it was :P
NathanTech Talk10-13-2008 at 09:38 PM
RE: Vista Home Premium - Black after logon screen
It's all up and running well :)
NathanTech Talk10-13-2008 at 01:23 AM
RE: Vista Home Premium - Black after logon screen
Thanks for your help guys. I decided the easiest and best (imo) option is to chuck vista and install xp (which I love more than vista anyway). So I have streamlined an xp disk and am installing now, its been on for 1min and its at 60% :) yay for xp :...
NathanTech Talk10-12-2008 at 11:33 PM
RE: Vista Home Premium - Black after logon screen
i have a vista cd or somehting in muy alienware breifcsase but itd at home and imt at a mates house (werte hvaning headbutting competitiongs)
NathanTech Talk10-12-2008 at 03:17 AM
RE: Vista Home Premium - Black after logon screen
i cnt acd3eds my cimputer at all it just wcnt get aything so i mght have to restoe everyhtng
NathanTech Talk10-12-2008 at 03:13 AM
RE: Vista Home Premium - Black after logon screen
Okay i'm tipsy atm so cos ive justt got bakc from a prty and itd a laptop and icq i didnt install vissta it came twith it okay? and it just randmoly did it :( it has s backup but i dnt wantt to restatore my computer cos i have all my programd and tu...
NathanTech Talk10-12-2008 at 02:49 AM
RE: Vista Home Premium - Black after logon screen
Used alienRespawn that it comes with. You have a few options and one of them is system restore.
NathanTech Talk10-12-2008 at 12:37 AM
RE: Vista Home Premium - Black after logon screen
Nope command prompt doesn't work either.
NathanTech Talk10-11-2008 at 07:12 PM
Vista Home Premium - Black after logon screen
Well, I googl'd and system restore doesn't work, and safe mode wont boot up - does the same thing as normal mode. Also Ctrl+Alt+Del or any key combos wont work. I don't have a vista cd or anything, so what do I do? Just to confirm, I type in my p...
NathanTech Talk10-11-2008 at 06:31 PM
RE: Vista and XP
Well, I've just tried booting it into the setup, and it got into "install windows" but it couldn't find my HDD. Probs because it's sata. What do I do?
NathanTech Talk10-05-2008 at 11:23 AM
RE: Vista and XP
Well it's not just that Voldemort. It's incase I can't get all the drivers working and such on XP and get everything working as it should be, and if fails I use the backup plan - back to vista :P
NathanTech Talk10-03-2008 at 08:03 PM
RE: Vista and XP
I prefer xp, I don't need the stuff that comes with vista such as the sidebar and glass etc. I know you're a fanboy of vista but I don't like it...
NathanTech Talk10-03-2008 at 07:54 PM
RE: Vista and XP
No, I dont want to do that :/ I want to leave vista on, and install xp as well...
NathanTech Talk10-03-2008 at 07:44 PM
RE: Vista and XP
Hmm, I need to be certain lol before I do it, don't wanna fuck my new lappy up :P
NathanTech Talk10-03-2008 at 07:20 PM
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