What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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RE: msg plus forum on my psp
yeah the mobile version is actually good, and handles alot better becaus eof the minimal graphics to load, again the only real annoying problem is typing, i hope sony brings out a mini keyboard, sorta like the ones for Pocket PC's although to be fai...
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-29-2005 at 08:35 AM
RE: msg plus forum on my psp
I've actually found that when browsing tano, but playin games you get 6hours play, UMD Movies 4hours playback, and on the internet about 3 hours, but on the brightside unlike gameboy its rechargable.
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-29-2005 at 07:38 AM
RE: Look at this!!!!!
MentalityTech Talk08-28-2005 at 05:12 PM
RE: whats the funniest word to you
Poo is the funniest word without a doubt, childish, imature and down right stupid, all the ingrediants to a funny word POO!!! 99 Posts WaHOoO
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-28-2005 at 02:22 PM
RE: msg plus forum on my psp
yeah hitchin a ride rules lol, im assuming the UK release will actually come already with the update, it would be stupid of SCEE to release it then release the update, they may as well do it before hand, depends if they where already manufactured bef...
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-28-2005 at 01:54 PM
RE: Look at this!!!!!
MentalityTech Talk08-28-2005 at 01:46 PM
RE: msg plus forum on my psp
Thats why I bought it originally, but it's so much more. I checked the message plus forum walking through my town shopping centre, I replied to emails and downloaded a the firmware update again coz i knew it was small and just to see the speed, (i ...
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-28-2005 at 01:43 PM
RE: Look at this!!!!!
MentalityTech Talk08-28-2005 at 01:07 PM
RE: if you had 1 million dollers what would you do...
id put some shares into msg plus so patchou could take the damned support software out and stop people moaning about it. then I go spend this shit, bring it on baby, wahoooooo!!!. damn this isn't real is it, got excited for nothing again!!!
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-28-2005 at 12:57 PM
RE: msg plus forum on my psp
thanx dude useragent is... mozilla /4.0 (psp(playstation portable); 2.00
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-27-2005 at 07:35 PM
RE: msg plus forum on my psp
i'll let you knw the user agent now, and i dnt knw the speed it doesnt say, but most top of the range wi-fi connections are ten times faster than broadband anyway to start with.
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-27-2005 at 07:28 PM
RE: msg plus forum on my psp
whats that? I'm back on my pc now, its ok for checkin stuff but it doesnt have enough virtual memory to show all the sigs on this page, id hate to see it on a flash site, but speed wise it keeps up with my broadband, if not even slightly faster at ...
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-27-2005 at 07:08 PM
RE: msg plus forum on my psp
just a little. soon get the hang of it. obviously i used my pc to put the pics online.
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-27-2005 at 06:53 PM
RE: msg plus forum on my psp
I'll sure try if not, ill take piccys with my digi cam [UPDATE] there you go, but not brilliant [img=500x500]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a38 3/Mentality182/S4010028.jpg[/IMG] I would put an attachment but the filesize is to large. and i formatt...
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-27-2005 at 06:19 PM
msg plus forum on my psp
Just wanted to know if it worked an it does. psp on the forums. and on some poor saps wireless as well. and if you thought it couldnt get better than that. im sat in my own house using it. with a respectable 25% signal. (at the least) :P;)
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-27-2005 at 06:08 PM
RE: MSN Messenger 8.0 Features?
funny tht init, hey jumped from 6.2 to 7 as well, seems like they're tryna compete against something to me. they seem to be rushing out they're better stuff that we normally have to wait ages an ages for.
MentalitySkype & Live Messenger08-26-2005 at 12:31 PM
RE: MSN v7.5 & Messenger Plus problem
im using norton internet security 2005 and so far i have no problems at all, watso ever. thats with mess 7.5public release with plus.
MentalityWLM Plus! Help08-25-2005 at 05:25 PM
RE: Mind Control
i emailed someone the other day tryna get the damn video clip of the coca cola movie thing, no reply yet but ill keep trying, if anyone else can find it in the mean time, please post it.
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-24-2005 at 02:33 PM
RE: wats next for google?
it all depends on how many people signed upto the gmail accounts as to weather it will be worth it. at least thats part of it. If I was working for Gmail thats what I'd be looking at. the popularity for Gmail would somewhat determine weather it woul...
MentalityTech Talk08-23-2005 at 07:50 AM
RE: Pong
i got this mate whos proper after a NES, i cant see the point, she only wants it to play one game, which i can't remember what it is, so if anyone might be selling one in the UK then I got a buyer.
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-22-2005 at 02:41 PM
RE: Mind Control
Lol yeah, im slow took me ages to see it lol. thats more of an illusion than a subliminal message though, (i tried it on my girlfriend and it had no effect at all.)
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-22-2005 at 01:50 PM
RE: Mind Control
The coca cola thing was put into a movie not an add, i will try and find it for you guanko [img]http://www.ebaumsworld.com/images/cokesublimi nal.jpg[/img] this is'nt a subliminal message but funny if you can see it.
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-22-2005 at 11:10 AM
RE: Best Photoshop
I have used animation shop pro in the past and found that to be a very good piece of software. which is why JASC was a particular interest to me.
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-21-2005 at 10:33 AM
RE: Best Photoshop
is it worth the money I will be paying for it? I'm not bothered really, just wanna know, if it's worth the price tag
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-21-2005 at 09:44 AM
RE: Best Photoshop
so are we sayin, its gonna be a bit hard, i never fully worked out 2.0, (regreatably) just wanna be able to make my own sigs, avs, wallpapers and such. A friend recommended JASC Photoshop, is this a good software?
MentalityGeneral Chit Chat08-21-2005 at 09:39 AM
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