RE: [split] submitting Mess.Be news Click on [ Download ], click on >> Submit a file and the contact form is in the Submitting News related to MSN Messenger or Windows Messenger paragraph.
RE: Bug that erase buddy list What version of MsgPlus are you using, if it is MsgPlus live look at this: 94
RE: My First Helpful Thread (I Hope) That is the long way, there is a much easier way: rmat-colors#mfc-name
RE: Personalised Status Try this: Click on your nickname in the contact list under appear offline click on more statuses and then click on Personalised Status and then type what you want and press ok and it should work.
RE: How to Add new smiles If you patched MSN and you chose that option, just Repair MSN from Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs and then patch MSN again but don't choose the option "disable song links".
RE: Coloring your MSN Name That is the hard way of doing it. Do it this way: Open a conversation window, type: /nick <press space> <press ctrl+k><type new nick here><then press enter>
RE: "best" skin link needed You can find some good skins here: egory=15 2352
RE: So has the beta been release?!? Erm i think only testers have been chosen. [quote=MenthiX]There's no way to get it before that time if you're not a tester, [b]and testers have already been choosen.[/b][/quote]