RE: [Update (July 10 2007)] ReadThis 2.07 The commands don't work *-) I tried all of them Windows XP Service Pack 2 (5.1.2600) Windows Live Messenger 8.5.0601 Messenger Plus! Live [img] d=835267[/img]
RE: My remote control :( If MenthiX doesn't get around to changing the description I'll just submit a newer version of my script so he will have to change it :P
RE: User's country flag in postbit He was in the spambox so i was like hmm.... WDZ on Test_user? Maybe he did something with the flags? Edit: See [url] 0336[/url]
RE: [Question] Is it possible... These are the tools that I use >>> [url= ools-for-Script-Developers/]Tools for script Developers[/url] and I also visit [url][/url] There are some more tools there and a lot of code ...
RE: Script Documentation - Can't Read? I have done some searching around and found that if you have a "#" in the path to the Script Documentation it might think it is an anchor and look in the wrong place for the subheadings. To fix this just move the file to the desktop or to a path on...
RE: Answering Machine Plus 2.60 Question! You might try using the Personalized Status function include in MP!L. Plus Preferences >>> Customize >>> Personalized Status Use "#" for multiple messages Example for multiple messages: This is the first message! #2nd! #and the 3rd Hope th...
RE: Encrypted logs.. no can do? o_O Please have a look at: [url= d=66659&pid=744850#pid744850]CookieRevised's reply to Logs encryption problem[/url] also next time please use the [url=]s earch functi...
RE: Results of the 2nd Contest Week It was the first time i have ever done and overlay. anyways... [img] ao.gif[/img]: Winner of a Nintendo Wii + Extra Controllers and 2 Games * Disqualified for cheating
RE: Results of the 2nd Contest Week My attempt at an overlay: [url= l/qm7hmxyf-overlay.jpg] [img=300x328] ex.php/dl/qm7hmxyf-overlay.jpg[/img][/url]
RE: Staff Plugin - SPNG This post by CookieRevised would be very helpful to you: [url= d=69946&pid=769629#pid769629]CookieRevised reply to Question regarding a "close msg window logger"[/url] Edit: at the bottom there are some ...
RE: emoticon That option disables or enables emotions in the contact list too. I just tested it. You may have to Exit WLM and sign in again to get them to enable/disable.
RE: emoticon Make sure you have the emotions turned on File > Tools > Options > Message tab on the side > Make sure both "Show emotions" and Show custom emotions check boxes are checked [img] d=825145[/img]
RE: Active X scroll farther down on the adobe download page it has instruction on it Similar Problem: [url] d=60885[/url] [quote=Adobe] [img] s/gold_bar.gif[/img] [list=1] [*]...
RE: [Request] Log Script roflmao456 take more time on your scripts there were a couple of mistakes/bugs in your script but anyways i added a few more option you can find them inside the script and it should work with with out that 7-10 second delay.