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RE: [How-To] Change Contact List Background No, because giving that advice to every skin user is much more complicated that doing this (since it's automatically replaced my Messenger Plus! upon installation). Also you can give this picture meta-data, so it'll be stretch-able etc. :) | vikke | Skinning | 02-05-2008 at 02:37 PM |
RE: [Update] Messenger Plus! Live 4.5 - Final / 75 Options Looks very good but I think it would look even better if you remove the bevel-border around the windows, that looks pretty bad. Good work on your option-panel, but there's only options to hide stuff, not actually that many new features, I would like... | vikke | Skinning | 02-04-2008 at 06:13 PM |
RE: [HELP] Creating A Custom Skinops Panel Notepad saves to UTF-16 fine. | vikke | Skinning | 02-02-2008 at 10:09 AM |
RE: [HELP] Creating A Custom Skinops Panel It would make it easier if you could describe the problem, and give us some screenshots if necessary. We need to know what went wrong so we know where to look. Looking through all files isn't a very good idea, since we probably won't find the error... | vikke | Skinning | 02-01-2008 at 08:30 PM |
RE: [Update] Deep Blue v1.02 Is the ugly big black border visible on the actual skin or is it just the screenshots? And it would be pretty good if you show in the preview how the skin looks like if the dashboard isn't moved to the bottom. Looks much better then. :) The rest is ... | vikke | Skinning | 02-01-2008 at 07:50 PM |
RE: music on msn messenger This is a new feature in Windows Live Messenger 9. It's in Beta, and remember that only Windows Live Messenger 9 users will hear it. Check the option-dialog for Windows Live Messenger, I think it's there somewhere. | vikke | Skype & Live Messenger | 02-01-2008 at 04:00 PM |
RE: [How-To] Change Contact List Background I'm glad you sorted it out. 800th post! | vikke | Skinning | 02-01-2008 at 03:40 PM |
RE: [How-To] Change Contact List Background It's actually one of the easiest things in Skinning. It's like anything else. It's only about adding another style-attribute. In the 1001 and 1004 definition change this line: [code]<BuddyList id=atom(abView) Layout=FillLayout() CmdGroup=guid("{... | vikke | Skinning | 02-01-2008 at 02:58 PM |
RE: [Preview] Vista Ultimate Messenger 6 I'm sorry. I didn't read it through. | vikke | Skinning | 01-31-2008 at 08:53 PM |
RE: [Preview] Vista Ultimate Messenger 6 I don't see what's wrong if I help you instead of the skin creator? So I posted a link to a post that described how to do it. | vikke | Skinning | 01-31-2008 at 07:56 PM |
RE: [Preview] Vista Ultimate Messenger 6 A quick forum search gave me this result: 83&pid=885366#pid885366 (search for "transparent" without the quotes) | vikke | Skinning | 01-31-2008 at 06:44 PM |
RE: Getting a new IP address You open up cmd (Windows key + R and type "cmd" without quotes and press enter). Then you type: View information: If you leave the name of the connection blank, it'll probably release all connections. | vikke | Tech Talk | 01-31-2008 at 04:21 PM |
RE: How Can I change the Plus icons in conv. window? You cannot replace the MP!L resources the same way as you do with Messenger resources, that's why you have to read on that subject in the skinning documentation. CmdIds are numbers. FormatPanelIcon.png is not a CmdId, it's a picture. | vikke | Skinning | 01-31-2008 at 04:17 PM |
RE: How Can I change the Plus icons in conv. window? I think you have to extract MP!L resources (can be done from the Messenger extraction wizard). Then find the icon, and read in the documentation how to replace it. If it's not located as an MP!L resource, you could just disable the buttons (option a... | vikke | Skinning | 01-31-2008 at 03:24 PM |
RE: wave11 shiro for 8.5 Google is your friend: | vikke | Skin Requests | 01-30-2008 at 08:16 PM |
RE: [Help] Centre toolbars Yes, they aren't in a toolbar, they are just <element>'s beside the <MToolbar> you just modified. Here's how it should look like: (in the 923 definition) [code]<element layoutpos=[b]right[/b] padding=rect(0,3,0,3) layout=borderlayout()> <element l... | vikke | Skinning | 01-30-2008 at 06:06 PM |
RE: [Help] Centre toolbars OIM is a hidden button, which stands for Offline Instant Messages. You can make it visible if you want, it will only show the count of OIM you got recently. It's been there since 7.5 or maybe even before. I think the dialer button is the "Send a me... | vikke | Skinning | 01-30-2008 at 05:52 PM |
RE: [Help] Centre toolbars Try adding: [code]layoutpos=center[/code] To the <MToolbar> tag. | vikke | Skinning | 01-30-2008 at 05:19 PM |
RE: Font cant change Does this still occur if you uninstall Messenger Plus!? | vikke | Skype & Live Messenger | 01-30-2008 at 04:34 PM |
RE: [Help]Beginner in Scripting This kind of script isn't allowed, the reason is pretty obvious. If you're going to develop this script, please do not beg for help in this forum. Installing any software without the users knowledge is illegal (unless it's mentioned), the same ab... | vikke | Scripting | 01-26-2008 at 04:56 PM |
RE: Release [Zero-G Version 2.0.1] I've seen it, it looked great! Btw, the release date is 2 days before my birthday. And LOST is 2 days after. ;) | vikke | Skinning | 01-26-2008 at 08:47 AM |
RE: [?] Events for Plus Interface Windows It's possible, but you would need some way to hook the window. The scripting doesn't support Win32 hook callbacks. If you know C++ you could create your own DLL, and apply the hooks from there. Basically, just create the button with the MP!L window... | vikke | Scripting | 01-23-2008 at 07:09 PM |
RE: [Preview] Vista Ultimate Messenger 6 Well.. Actually I think it's property of Microsoft, not the author of another skin. Despite that, I would still ask that skin-author if I had his permission to include it into a similar skin. | vikke | Skinning | 01-22-2008 at 08:45 PM |
RE: Font colour You could either add this to the style-definition of the element you're changing: [code]foreground:rgb(255,255,255);[/code] Or, you could add this to the element tag in the definition: [code]Foreground=rgb(255,255,255)[/code] So it would be like: [c... | vikke | Skinning | 01-22-2008 at 08:38 PM |
RE: [HELP] Replacing Resource 591 If it's not showing up in MP!L Preferences, check your XML, there is probably a parser error. | vikke | Skinning | 01-20-2008 at 09:20 AM |