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RE: Skins Problems ;S
try using auto sign in. it works for me.
WillzSkinning09-30-2011 at 12:43 PM
RE: It's Friday! Fun, fun, fun, fun!!
The only thing is see similar is that they both went with a dark color scheme, asides from that everything else is different. DP borders, white text areas as opposed to pure black, the way shadows are used. Plus from the sounds of it a white version...
WillzAnnouncements & News05-23-2011 at 06:55 AM
RE: [Solved] Honeycomb vs my skins
You're right its perfectly fine to find out how where you went wrong to improve, but the way the thread is titled and the way he posted its more of a "how the heck could that skin win" as opposed to "what can I do to improve" (at least how I in...
WillzSkinning05-23-2011 at 06:52 AM
RE: [Solved] Honeycomb vs my skins
First of all its a bit arrogant to be posting asking for an explanation as to why you didn't win. It's a contest, if you win you win, if you don't win then you have some modesty and congratulate the winners rather than complain because you didn't...
WillzSkinning05-21-2011 at 03:17 AM
RE: [Discontinued] Windows 7 v.1.0 beta, Created by coolzee
Well I always did think that OS skins weren't allowed, but when I went to look at the rules the rule is listed under "design-specific" which could be interpreted as design content only rule. Regardless of the wording, using OS resources will pret...
WillzSkinning04-19-2011 at 10:46 PM
RE: [Discontinued] Windows 7 v.1.0 beta, Created by coolzee
I wouldn't say its useless, its still a contender for usability but yeah would just need a little more work thats all, you need to give it a bit more variation from what I've seen from your entries so far they all use a very similar layout. Quality...
WillzSkinning04-19-2011 at 01:34 PM
RE: [Discontinued] Windows 7 v.1.0 beta, Created by coolzee
Although we kind of unintentionally did allow OS skins to be developed if you are simply throwing in already existing wallpapers/windows resources it won't get you much points, at least not in my books. When the rules were being drawn up I did say t...
WillzSkinning04-19-2011 at 11:09 AM
RE: [Release] Metro 1.01.3
nice start. looking forward to seeing where this is going.
WillzSkinning04-03-2011 at 12:19 PM
RE: Image getting replaced "whenever it wants"
Nope, both SWTCH and Ev0 have no UM info on resource 48200 and it still does the bug. Its completely random.
WillzSkinning03-30-2011 at 10:40 AM
RE: The skinning contest starts... now!
As long as you can make it easy to be able to separate the resources into individual images and its a format I can work with then go for it.
WillzAnnouncements & News03-28-2011 at 08:04 PM
RE: Image getting replaced "whenever it wants"
Yeah, I can't really seem to find the conditions under when it happens either. It is a really really random occurrence. Generally it happens to me when my auto sign in fails or when I open a second instance of Messenger. But again doesn't happen al...
WillzSkinning03-28-2011 at 08:54 AM
RE: The skinning contest starts... now!
Functionality doesn't just involve having heaps of options. Innovation is the key to winning and how well the features work with the skin overall. A skin could have thousands of options, but it doesn't make it better than a skin that has 6 options...
WillzAnnouncements & News03-28-2011 at 08:52 AM
RE: The skinning contest starts... now!
yep, just to give people enough time to get creative and also for newcomers to learn if need be.
WillzAnnouncements & News03-27-2011 at 02:27 AM
RE: The skinning contest starts... now!
The rules with regards to ads are the same as when you submit a skin to the database pretty much. Just obviously make sure that your skins do take into account that an ad should be there.
WillzAnnouncements & News03-27-2011 at 01:38 AM
RE: [Release] Ev0 5
For peoples reference. When you download a theme all you have to do is open the .reg file. Say yes to the popup and then restart Messenger. The new theme should then be applied.
WillzSkinning03-18-2011 at 01:33 AM
RE: The 2011 Messenger Plus! Skinning Contest
Reshaping, not possible anymore. 947 - doesn't exist anymore.
WillzAnnouncements & News03-17-2011 at 04:16 AM
RE: [Release] Ev0 5
Yes and no. If you migrated from 4, all your setting carry over to 5. If you didn't you have to edit the reg file and change the key location to: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yuna Software\Messenger Plus!\Windows Live Messenger\GlobalSettings\...
WillzSkinning03-16-2011 at 10:10 AM
[Release] Ev0 5
Hey guys, last night I released Ev0 5 for Messenger 2011. It's my first skin for 2011 (well asides from SWTCH, which I'm still waiting to get uploaded) and I'm pretty happy about it. March 15th also marks the 6 year anniversary of the very first s...
WillzSkinning03-16-2011 at 07:03 AM
Sad to see you leave Cyril, but you got to do what you got to do. It's been a great run and the community is forever in debt for everything you have done for us over the years. Without your hard work, my little hobby of skinning would have fizzled o...
WillzGeneral Chit Chat03-11-2011 at 02:53 PM
RE: [Preview] SWTCH
;) [img]http://designevolved.net/willz/Builder.png[/i mg]
WillzSkinning02-17-2011 at 03:32 AM
RE: [Preview] SWTCH
It might not be for everyone though, although the skin is pretty advanced the graphic style is pretty minimalistic. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I've ported over the old emoticons to 2011 and created new ones in the style of the old ones so thin...
WillzSkinning02-15-2011 at 03:56 AM
RE: The 2011 Messenger Plus! Skinning Contest
Sam is just mad that if I'd enter and there was one mystery gift left to give out and they had a choice they'd give it to me instead of him :refuck: haha
WillzAnnouncements & News02-15-2011 at 01:07 AM
[Preview] SWTCH
Seeing as though the contest has been announced I thought I'd post up a preview of my next skin. So last contest even though I didn't enter I still showed people what I would have entered just to give people an idea of what they would have been up ...
WillzSkinning02-15-2011 at 12:12 AM
RE: The 2011 Messenger Plus! Skinning Contest
As Menthix has pointed out I'm not participating in the contest out of fairness to everyone else like last time. I'll still be releasing stuff, but it won't be included. Plus the majority of stuff I'll be bringing out will just be updates for exi...
WillzAnnouncements & News02-14-2011 at 11:44 PM
RE: New website question.
Ok was just curious that's all, haven't been keeping up with Plus! as much this time around. BTW, on the profile pages it reads "Sexe" instead of "Sex" Not sure if that has been pointed out either.
Willz02-08-2011 at 08:55 AM
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