RE: [request]Open IE Explorer in Messenger Plus? Is it posable? In portugal we don't have any shared search in the activities but anyway we only have like 3 activities and 6 games... One time I changed my country in the mail acount details to US and then I saw lots of activities and games I never saw before... A...
RE: [REQUEST] Sign on alarm You could place the image you want in the \scripts\alarm\images and name it alarm.jpg replacing the image there. Don't know what will happen if the image is bigger then the window. Some scripts that use text or images stop working if the text or ...
RE: Personalised status with personalised nicks. Ok I understand. So It would be nice if next version of Plus! add support for this and detect when we add a costum nick to someone and if that person has a personalized status on the plus! could isolate that status and show it with the custom nick we...
RE: [REQUEST] Sign on alarm Oh a sound that never stops... That could be handy... well if your half way trough then I'll sit thight waiting for the release. Eheh
RE: [REQUEST] Sign on alarm Well but you can use Plus! for that, you can choose any sound to be played when a contact signs in so you can give it an alarm sound.
RE: Personalised status with personalised nicks. So if someone that I've hadded a nick turns a personalized status on my plus! will atomaticly put that person's personalized status in his/her PSM so I can still see it? EDIT: It doesn't seem to work. I have this contact that has put a personalize...
RE: [REQUEST] Sign on alarm I didn't understand very well what is that you requested Dabbi. But I think an alarm clock would be great. I actually thought about one last night, I was like "I wish I had an alarm clock in my computer...". LOL :p
Personalised status with personalised nicks. I have a question, imagine that someone puts on a personalized status like for example "sleeping" then it would show NICK [color=gray]{sleeping}[/color]. And now imagine I hadded a personalized nick in the contact list to that person trough WLM. Wh...
Packet sniffer that supports all wirelless connections. The packet sniffer that Pai created is great but it has some problems with some wireless connections in wich it isn't able to make raw sockets. Can anyone make a packet sniffer that supports all wireless conections?
RE: Sort Received Files SCRIPT Well I'm quite sure that file transfer plus 4 has a option that organizes your recived files in folders named after the senders email. File transfer plus 4 uses packet sniffig dlls.
Problems with windows live mail desktop beta Ok I know it is still a beta but it would be to expect that some things would work even in the early versions. I can't change my primary account and WLM stoped notifying me when I recive a new email. It adds the email to the email count next to the ...
RE: [Release] Xniff (ActiveX Packet Sniffer) - Examples inside It's what CookieRevised said about the raw sockets. Some wireless conections wont let a raw socket to be opened. I wonder what is diferent in your connection, you seem to be able to use the Xniff right...
RE: [Release] Xniff (ActiveX Packet Sniffer) - Examples inside The scripts just don't work they give a error message in de debug when the Xniff should be working. If you read this thread you will see some people having problems because they have wireless [align=right][url] thread....