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RE: Champions League You really think Inter can make it to the final? I mean they get disqualified every year, sometimes because of bad luck and others because other teams play better against them. Who knows? They may get back to the good old times, when they won the tro... | Basilis | General Chit Chat | 01-22-2008 at 09:58 PM |
Champions League A poll to see the forum's opinion about who will win the Champions League trophy.You can also post why you think the team will get it. P.S. I had it in the poll center but no one could see it there so I am putting it here. | Basilis | General Chit Chat | 01-22-2008 at 09:14 PM |
RE: Font colour You have to edit the style files of the window you want the text color to change. Read willz's guide and find out the id of each window In the foreground you will insert this foreground:rgb(255,255,255) it is the code for white P.S. I see we suppor... | Basilis | Skinning | 01-22-2008 at 06:28 PM |
RE: [Preview] Vista Ultimate Messenger 6 I think it is the same picture from the Ultimate vista by ugosan. Have you asked for his approval? | Basilis | Skinning | 01-22-2008 at 06:07 PM |
RE: [Help] Signature It doesn't say anything about how to put signatures. Anyway, thanks for showing it to me since I found out some very useful things. | Basilis | Forum & Website | 01-22-2008 at 04:29 PM |
RE: my "first test skin" doens't appear I am happy to hear I helped you. Don't mind to ask if you face any problems in the future. :) | Basilis | Skinning | 01-22-2008 at 04:23 PM |
RE: [Help] Signature Thank you very much. That is exactly what I needed | Basilis | Forum & Website | 01-21-2008 at 04:03 PM |
RE: [Help] Signature Oh. Didn't know that.thanks | Basilis | Forum & Website | 01-21-2008 at 03:41 PM |
RE: Idea for excisting skin I suggest you download the script " Background changer" and just select the picture you want from its folder. Else, you can read the skinning documentation, read the thread in the skinning forum which has a tutorial on how to do it and try it by yo... | Basilis | Skin Requests | 01-21-2008 at 02:38 PM |
RE: my "first test skin" doens't appear I checked again the first picture and I think you have put the wrong " in the major and minor.The " should be like this. <MsgVersion Major="8" Minor="5"/> I may be mistaken but can you please check it. | Basilis | Skinning | 01-21-2008 at 02:26 PM |
RE: Msg live Plus won't uninstall sponors!! There is a thread above yours that tells the exact way to remove sponsors. I hope it will be helpful. | Basilis | WLM Plus! Help | 01-21-2008 at 01:48 PM |
RE: my "first test skin" doens't appear You have to save the file into the messenger plus! live directory. Then you go to plus! preferences and you select it. | Basilis | Skinning | 01-21-2008 at 01:39 PM |
RE: [Help] Signature Thank you very much. I am going to try that.[hr]I have the image in my computer so i tried [img]attachment[/img] and it didn't work. Does the picture have to be from a website so that it has a url? | Basilis | Forum & Website | 01-20-2008 at 09:57 PM |
[Help] Signature I am trying to put a signature but I haven't made it yet. The reason is that I want to put a picture as I had seen other users have one. The problem is that when I go to "edit signature" from my user cp I am only able to put a short text. This que... | Basilis | Forum & Website | 01-20-2008 at 09:54 PM |
RE: greek translator I have started translating the file to Greek thanks to your big help ahmetgns. But I have a last question. How I will get the title "translator" that you and the other translators have? Should I just sent the file and it will be added to my profile... | Basilis | Translation | 01-20-2008 at 08:20 PM |
RE: Sory for the question .. Change Icon... The id of the picture indicates which picture it is. If you have replaced it in your skininfo, then the picture will be replaced by the one in your skin's directory. | Basilis | Skinning | 01-20-2008 at 07:04 PM |
RE: Introduction Name: Basilis(Y) Sex: Male (H) Location: Athens, Greece:o) Age: 14:o Hobbies: Football, Music, Cinema Statement about yourself: If I start writing, I won't stop:D Why you have the username you have: It is just my name Email address (if you want peo... | Basilis | General Chit Chat | 01-19-2008 at 02:10 PM |
RE: [Release] Ev0 3.1.6 Next to the icon that adds a contact there is an icon that if you click it tells something like "Contact details" If it has a tick, then you are in detailed list mode. If not, then you are in compact list mode. You are new so I have to inform you... | Basilis | Skinning | 01-18-2008 at 10:29 PM |
RE: Saving to see friend in Canada. Ask your parents for them.Or pretend you are depressed... | Basilis | General Chit Chat | 01-18-2008 at 10:10 PM |
RE: greek translator Fortunately, I found it. Thanks ahmetgns. | Basilis | Translation | 01-18-2008 at 08:42 PM |
RE: Sory for the question .. Change Icon... First, I suggest you read Willz's skinning guide. When you get familiar with the topic, you will need the id's of the icons. Here they are: Invite Contact -1441 Shared Files -1444 Block Contact -326 Unblock Contact -327 Activities -1442 Games -14... | Basilis | Skinning | 01-18-2008 at 08:25 PM |
RE: greek translator I read it but panagiot didn't answer. anyway, the problem is not that I can't find only the language.ini . I also can't find the file resources 3.I looked for him everywhere and I didn't find him. Any suggestions? | Basilis | Translation | 01-18-2008 at 06:59 PM |
RE: Willz Skinning Guide I have to tell you that I couldn't think how big the 4th part would be. Is it 249 pages with pictures or just lines? I think this translation will be a nightmare. lol :) | Basilis | Skinning | 01-18-2008 at 05:50 PM |
RE: Need help with creating!!! It may be bug of the script but it also the fact that you are using jpg. Try using a png picture. | Basilis | Skin Requests | 01-17-2008 at 09:23 PM |
RE: Need help with creating!!! You mean there is no icon of the script? You just go to the preferences and from there you select the script and then the picture you want to have in your contact list background. | Basilis | Skin Requests | 01-17-2008 at 09:04 PM |