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Shoutbox » Profile » Pr0xY
(Veteran Member)

Registration Date: 07-06-2003
Local Time: 12-02-2024 at 09:00 PM
Birthday: Not Specified
passwords are for treehouses
Pr0xY is currently away.
Reason: Work Life Balance
Away Since: 01-27-2022     Returns on: Unknown

Pr0xY's Forum Info
Last Visit: 07-22-2015 at 02:37 AM
Posts: 1325 [Find] [Last]
(0.17 per day, 0.29% of total)
Reputation: 26 [Details]

Pr0xY's Contact Details
Web Site: None
Private Message: Send Pr0xY a private message...
ICQ Number: None
AIM Screen Name: None
Yahoo ID: None
MSN/WLM Address: None
Additional Info about Pr0xY
Sex: Male
Location: Mars
Bio: Think for yourself. Always question the story. Dig deep. Never trust someone because they look or talk like you. Research how politicians manipulate the public. Know your enemy.

-Msg Plus! Official Sound Moderator
-Msg Plus! Sponsor Supporter
Profile viewed 10613 time(s) since 04-17-2004