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Shoutbox » Profile » Nathan
(Veteran Member)

Registration Date: 04-25-2005
Local Time: 10-09-2024 at 03:57 PM
Birthday: September 26
Yeah, "large dimensions" ;)

Nathan's Forum Info
Last Visit: 09-26-2010 at 11:27 AM
Posts: 2984 [Find] [Last]
(0.42 per day, 0.65% of total)
Reputation: 76 [Details]

Nathan's Contact Details
Web Site: http://www.touch-innovation.com
E-Mail: Send Nathan an e-mail...
Private Message: Send Nathan a private message...
ICQ Number: None
AIM Screen Name: http://touch-innovation.com
Yahoo ID: http://touch-innovation.com
MSN/WLM Address: http://touch-innovation.com
Additional Info about Nathan
Sex: Male
Location: Flag somewhere
Bio: My hobbys are learning languages, even though they take me a long time to learn I get the hang of it.
Currently I know: PHP, VBscript, html, css and i am wanting to learn VB and C#
Current projects include a few wlm skins, a few websites (one to be released soon) and that's it really of the top of my head!

Profile viewed 14066 time(s)

Nathan's Signature
Touch Innovation - touch friendly programs/applications for the windows mobile!