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Shoutbox » Profile » Eddie
(Veteran Member)

Registration Date: 10-02-2005
Local Time: 12-03-2024 at 10:33 AM
Birthday: 12-19-1991 (32 years old)
Eddie is currently away.
Reason: Work / Study / Social Life, Who knows when I will return.
Away Since: 04-24-2012     Returns on: Unknown

Eddie's Forum Info
Last Visit: 12-20-2018 at 09:56 AM
Posts: 2078 [Find] [Last]
(0.3 per day, 0.45% of total)
Reputation: 30 [Details]

Eddie's Contact Details
Web Site: http://www.simplybyte.com
Private Message: Send Eddie a private message...
ICQ Number: None
AIM Screen Name: None
Yahoo ID: None
MSN/WLM Address: None
Additional Info about Eddie
Sex: Male
Location: Flag Perth, Australia
Bio: Messenger Plus! User Since 2003;

Creator of the following Messenger Plus! Live Skins:
- English Premier League
- La Liga

Studying at Australian Institute of Commerce and Tech;
- ComptiA A+ and Linux+
- Certificate IV in I.T (Networking and Support)
Profile viewed 15316 time(s)

Eddie's Signature
...there used to be a signature here :)