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Shoutbox » Profile » High Speed Chaser
High Speed Chaser
(Full Member)

Registration Date: 05-27-2006
Local Time: 09-17-2024 at 07:49 PM
Birthday: January 3
Don't mess with the Wambulance!

High Speed Chaser's Forum Info
Last Visit: 07-17-2012 at 12:01 PM
Posts: 364 [Find] [Last]
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Reputation: 17 [Details]

High Speed Chaser's Contact Details
Web Site: None
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ICQ Number: None
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Additional Info about High Speed Chaser
Sex: Male
Location: Flag I live in the moment like Ted Mosby
Bio: 1. High Speed Chaser's First Law

Ban hammer requires chemistry to be effective against potentially unwanted members.

ATP--> ADP + Pi + Energy
Adenosine Tri-Phosphate splits to form Adenosine Di-Phosphate, a fee Phosphate molecule and energy.

The energy is the used by the muscles in the arms to cause the hammering action during the ban hammer clobbering process.
Profile viewed 6127 time(s)

High Speed Chaser's Signature
If only I knew what I should put here