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Shoutbox » Profile » Vimto
(Full Member)

Registration Date: 07-02-2006
Local Time: 12-06-2024 at 11:14 AM
Birthday: 11-09-1991 (33 years old)
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Vimto's Forum Info
Last Visit: 08-12-2019 at 12:23 PM
Posts: 495 [Find] [Last]
(0.07 per day, 0.11% of total)
Reputation: 49 [Details]

Vimto's Contact Details
Web Site: None
E-Mail: Send Vimto an e-mail...
Private Message: Send Vimto a private message...
ICQ Number: None
AIM Screen Name: None
Yahoo ID: None
MSN/WLM Address: vimto14@hotmail.com
Additional Info about Vimto
Sex: Female
Location: Flag UK
Bio: I'm still around lurking, will be stalking the Shoutbox from time to time
Profile viewed 8394 time(s)

Vimto's Signature
And when your heart begins to bleed, your dead
and dead and dead indeed.