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Shoutbox » Profile » Verte
(Full Member)

Registration Date: 04-19-2007
Local Time: 05-08-2024 at 01:11 PM
Birthday: Not Specified

Verte's Forum Info
Last Visit: 02-06-2008 at 03:28 AM
Posts: 272 [Find] [Last]
(0.04 per day, 0.06% of total)
Reputation: 7 [Details]

Verte's Contact Details
Web Site: None
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ICQ Number: None
AIM Screen Name: None
Yahoo ID: None
MSN/WLM Address: A@S.K
Additional Info about Verte
Sex: Undisclosed
Location: Melbourne, Victoria
Bio: I'm learned as a Mathematician and it's what I love doing the most, but I find quite a distraction in other forms of geekyness. I am a proud FreeBSD and Debian user and would recommend both, not only for their simplicity, completeness and ease of use, but for the strong design ideas at the core.

I'm pretty busy most of the time, doing mechanical design and drafting to make some dough along with my Math studies and music, but I'm fairly well studied on a lot of rich technical stuff, especially on the hardware side, so don't hesitate to ask.


PS. I also know D, LISP, C, C++ and Python to a reasonable degree and love helping with that sort of stuff.
Profile viewed 2556 time(s)

Verte's Signature
was put impeccably into words at DebianDay for me last Saturday, by Knut Yrvin of Trolltech - adults try something once, fail, and then are like "ffs this doesn't work". Children try, fail, and then try again, and succeed - maybe on the second, or even fifth retry. But the thing is that they keep at it and overcome the problems in the end.
