
questions about recovery window - Printable Version

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questions about recovery window by Vazza on 01-13-2005 at 11:13 PM

Someone came into #msgplus named Kim and asked these 2 questions. At the time they came in, I didnt know the answer and no else appeared to be active. So:

1. What does selecting "repair and try to fix permanently when computer starts" on the Recovery window actually do? (I need to revert the changes.)

2. I'm starting MSN Messenger as an administrator, while MsgPlus.exe is running as the regular user I'm logged in as. Anything I do on the Recovery window won't help the situation of MsgPlus not hooking into Messenger. Suggestions?

RE: questions about recovery window by CookieRevised on 01-14-2005 at 07:53 AM

1) Same as enabling the option in Messenger Plus!: "Force Messenger Plus! to load when computer starts", IIRC (and to know what that exactly does, search the forums ;))

2) That question is very hard to explain as it is vague and can be caused by many many things. It is even possible that the admin/guest log in has nothing to do with it and that she just has an issue between Windows Messenger and MSN Messenger conflicting with each other.

RE: questions about recovery window by Sunshine on 01-14-2005 at 12:20 PM

Request on IRC:

[12:57:59] <Kim> If anyone could help me on, it would be much appreciated. Just make a post on my behalf...
[12:59:14] <Kim> 1. "Force Messenger Plus! to load when computer starts" is NOT checked neither on my user account's preferences nor on my administrator account's preferences.
[13:01:51] <Kim> 2. To clear a bit of the vagueness: Without the changes that the Recovery window did, things would be as follows: I start MSN Messenger. After a while recovery comes up and restarts MSN, this time with Plus!. (On a side note, I don't even HAVE Windows Messenger installed. That's a Windows Server 2003. (It has way better IPv6 support.))
[13:02:19] <Kim> ...if anyone could post this at the aforementioned thread, I'd be grateful.


Problem solved: Kim wanted to run MSN as admin whilst on guest/user be able to use games. Games can only be installed on admin account (ofcourse due to lack of priviledges on useraccount) and after that can be used on useraccount (she didn't know that they can be used on useraccount normally at that time). Starting MSN with adminpriviledges on useraccount caused the recoverywindow to pop up (wich makes sense because its a diff. account).

Kim would still like an answer to question 1
(don't hesitate to go techie..regkeys etc.)

RE: questions about recovery window by CookieRevised on 01-14-2005 at 02:17 PM

Kim also requested the startup process of Plus! and doesn't mind to go techie, so here are related threads, Kim:

Plus! Startup
Startupmonitor issue
Force Plus to load

and with this, question 1 has been answered also in a more detailed way...