Originally posted by TazDevil
1. if i send a message throught code with (sNotifyCode) to a friend in order to display a toast on his pc, will it open a convo window if there is not one already open...
The window will open since you are actually sending a message with some special code so MsgPlus! can know that this is some plugin code before the actual message that isnt visible to the user.
So, a convo window has to open.
Originally posted by TazDevil
2. if it doesnot open a new window (no window opens on his behalf, will the RecieveNotify handle the message ?
Since a window will have to open, the RecieveNotify will handle the message.
Ofcourse, I could be wrong about the above things...
I'm not the best plugin coder...
Offtopic: We are from the same country