yeah.. i've been thinking about this to... but the only way this could really be done was by linking a open conversation with the msn contact list, then the conversation window that is being linked should just be fake email contact... it is possible to link a contact together with the contact list, iv'e tried it myself, but I think the hardest part is to make it look right, then you will have a whole conversation window in the contact list with the dp area and everything, and also that the contact list keeps appearing on top of the convo... I might try experimenting a bit more, this might be possible....
But I don't see to much need for it, coz most plugins/commands are made to send something or do something with the other contact... but this will still be usefull for nickchangin, timed nickchanging and stuff like plugin reloader and stuff like that, which is not used to do something with the contact...
Hmm... come to think about it...
... I can just link a notepad window to the contact list, and then capture what is being written in the "fake notepad" window, and if something is send, then send the msg to a fake contact, which will then active msg plus to active to the desired plugin...
.... hehe... but this will need some MSN Api to work....