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RE: Hacked!
Originally posted by CookieRevised
uncommon sense
common nonsense sounds better. =)

Originally posted by CookieRevised
The sad thing is, the more that big companies like Norton, etc. are developping special tools to make you even more lazier and not thinking, the more that the people will get paranoid and install all those things, while in fact, they are already well protected with their basic inbuild firewall, common virusscanner, and maybe their spamfilter. The rest should all be common sense...
They don't get lazy, they're afraid of what they don't know, the big world wide web with thousands of hackers and teenage kids just waiting to invade your pc and through it get your visa and get all your money and blah..
But that's something you cannot stop, that's all part of Norton's marketing techniques (sorry, didn't mean to isolate Norton here), the fact is that people are scared, and when they don't know how to protect themselves; somewhere they have no control; they will get whatever is told to be the safest.

And by the way, as to the OS case, if I buy a crappy bike in a bike shop, come home with it, and some screws are loose; I could go ride with it, but I might just end up holding the steer in the air. Or I could decide to fix it, and tighten the screws myself. Now that does not mean that the bike is trustworthy, I bought it, and it was crap, I turned it into something more trustworthy myself, because I know something about bikes. By the way, if it was that untrustworthy when I bought it, who says it doesn't still have some screw somewhere which is still untrustworthy, even after I tightened all those that I know of? Or maybe not a screw but something else..
My point is clear, buy something that you cannot trust, and you can always tune it, that's the way PCs work, but don't go saying that it IS trustworthy because, well, you just had to go and tune it yourself. To you all it's become the most normal thing in the world that you need to first make your system safe, before being able to use it. It's NOT normal. You all just began to dig it because you had little choice. Same with IE. Everybody digs its crappyness, because they didn't even know there were alternatives. And when they, after years, find out that there are, they stick with IE, because they're familiar with it. And down goes the web. (You do realise that a huge percentage of those fawked up sites out there is the fault of Microsoft changing the Standards to whatever they want them to be?).
But let's not go into that in this thread. I'm just saying, I love Windows, but after I made it trustworthy. And after I installed my TDS (Trojan Defence Suite) and The Cleaner, and my tools to recover and diagnose.
I didn't know as much about the standard windows firewall, true, I always reconed it to be a simple port blocker, but I don't like firewalls one single bit. Especially those which you can't configure, since they disallow stuff in the worst possible scenarios. I want to be in control and know perfectly well what will happen when I do something, therefore, not be the slave of something I cannot perfectly control. Yet, the firewall is a very good measure as to make the OS safer.
By the way, being in linux, lots of the everyday people's common unsense can do no harm at all because of the way linux is built. I best not go too deep into that, though.
{ -[Image: lhunath.gif]- }
09-18-2004 08:00 AM
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RE: Hacked!
I completely agree with Ihunath! :)

Hey Scone, why don't you just pick up some old computer from the street or a dump, amd make a software router/firewall/et ceter from it? Just install a Linux distro aimed at that purpose, and you should be fine :)
11-05-2004 07:31 PM
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RE: Hacked!
Can I have the hackers MSN Addy :P?  I want to...erm..scare him :P.
11-05-2004 07:48 PM
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