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convert xml logs to txt plus-like logs
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O.P. convert xml logs to txt plus-like logs
i love having logs of my convs and a couple of days ago i went to a friends house and used MSN, but without plus.
now i have the xml files, i can read them but i want to merge them with my normal plus logs.

Is there any plugin or add-on that is able to do this? I don't think that's too hard to make, since i've already opened the xml and it seems like a normal file but only with different format.

any suggestions? ;)
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11-20-2004 10:55 AM
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RE: convert xml logs to txt plus-like logs
A plugin that can convert xml logs to txt and vice versa would be very usefull cause I too had been using alot messenger without plus so would be nice to convert the logs. :D
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11-20-2004 08:54 PM
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O.P. RE: convert xml logs to txt plus-like logs
even for those that used msn without plus and had their logs and now want to migrate them to msgplus format :)
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11-20-2004 09:16 PM
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RE: convert xml logs to txt plus-like logs
Somebody post an xml log so I can see how they are done.

To me it just seems like a matter of replacing certain tags and such.
11-20-2004 10:00 PM
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RE: RE: convert xml logs to txt plus-like logs
Originally posted by NoName
Somebody post an xml log so I can see how they are done.

To me it just seems like a matter of replacing certain tags and such.

Here is a little example but it's shame that msn messnger doesn't log nick changes so you'll just see that it had changed at some time :(

I'll hope this would help you :D

.txt File Attachment: example.xml.txt (1022 bytes)
This file has been downloaded 562 time(s).
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11-21-2004 05:17 PM
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RE: convert xml logs to txt plus-like logs
This has been already done a long long time ago....
VuDu (and others), like said before, search first ;)

MSN Messenger saves the logs in XML format. XML means that it is structured in a certain way. However, it doesn't say how something should look (the log) if you look at it.

But when you open the XML logs in Messenger it looks very nice and all. If you open those same XML logs in Internet Explorer they look the same. How does Internet Explorer knows how MSN Messenger shows the logs? Simply, because all the XML logs have a reference to another XML file (actually an XSL-file) which explains how it should look. This file is called MessageLog.xsl and describes how the XML logs should be shown.

In other words: just alter that MessageLog.xsl file to show your logs so they look like the Messenger Plus! logs.

The XSL file is in the same directory as your Messenger logs. Make a backup of it first (so you don't loose the original) and then download, unzip and copy this file over the original one.

From now on, when you open the XML logs, either in MSN Messenger, or either in Internet Explorer, they will show as Plus! logs. If you do this in Internet Explorer then you can save them to simple textfiles also.

also see:
Can I convert MSN chat log to plus! format?

For a more advanced look of the logs in MSN Messenger see:
ChrisTorng Style MessageLog V2.1

Another alternative is found here:
MSN 6 chat log viewer (enhance the MS one)

And to view the original Messenger Plus! logs there is an excellent logviewer:

PS: all could've been found with the search function of these forums.

This post was edited on 03-23-2005 at 05:34 AM by CookieRevised.
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11-22-2004 03:39 AM
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O.P. RE: convert xml logs to txt plus-like logs
ok thanks for the help, about the search subject, it was replyed on the proper topic ;)
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11-22-2004 12:48 PM
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RE: convert xml logs to txt plus-like logs
Sorry to bring this old topic back

I have some problems with the XSL-file, it renders big files (>400kiB) incorrect, it shows the 'session-start' before each single reply:


is this due to IE or Firefox (both have the problem), or is this due to the XSL-file?...

Thanks in advance

PS @Patchou: MP!L rocks ;), don't set yourself under pressure because many people don't like the new MP!L:(

PPS How do i resize the picture? now i had to use [url]-tags to set it properly
07-02-2006 12:43 PM
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