RE: Mess Patch 7.0.0425
That patch was dodgy
I have it working now, but before when i used it on 7.0.0425, it reset it back to 7.0.0332, and the inbuilt MSN downloader would download the file, but not run it (I tried 3 times) so i had to download it again from the web.
Stuart have a copy of the MSN Messenger 7 installer file handy, then play around with some of the features within the patch, because some of the patches contradict each other (yeah its not actually a patch, but a file full of patches)
Dont have a go at, everyone makes mistakes.
Oops, you fixed it allready, but yeah, that "patch" needs to br revised and re-released
This post was edited on 11-26-2004 at 06:22 PM by Fergy.
I should change my sig ay?