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Some guy dissin Ecko - (long)
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O.P. Undecided  Some guy dissin Ecko - (long)
This is what some guy posted in the MD forum's....:dodgy:

if you work 10 hours a day on MessengerDiscovery, i want proof.
I very much doubt that happens, thats 70 hours a week, means you have no life other than coding Messenger Discovery. And if you really are spending 70 hours a week coding Messenger Discovery, surely you would have finished coding Version 3 in complete by now.

Sponsor is just a sell out's idea, get yourself some decent hosting at a fair price instead of going for ripoff eckohost.

and domain names? $6.99 USD (per annum), you'd have to be drinking turps and sleeping outside a shop window to not afford a domain name

in my opinion, a crappy little msn addon is not going to enrich and fulfill your life. Go and get a job working with an IT firm, go and get a degree, work on this in your spare time.
You've totally taken the ethics out of writing freeware applications, bundled with spyware, your application is now considered spyware.

May i remind you... developing such addons is supposed to be for fun, not to gain any profit or any crap like that. Youre basing a community on greed and untrust, the very people you are exploiting by adding such spyware to their systems, you are doing this for.

Noone ever spywared their addons they created with the msnapi, you're just copying patchou on the back of your success.
Your success wont last long, it never will... look at all the previous sucessful msn addons.
Warrior, Arcane Light Messenger Tools, Msn Masta v3, Grimbo

The only one that has gone the distance is plus, but look what thats become.

Agreed its fair you can choose to install it whether you want or not. But
[QUOTE]Not reading the Terms and Conditions is your own fault; the blame should not be shifted back to us for installing something they didn't want/didn't expect. Well it's your own fault you didn't read[/QUOTE]

How many users are going to install this that dont have a clue about what that means. Quite a lot, the average joe will visit mess.be download this program and then come here for the validation key. He will install the sponsor, and then wonder why after 30 days his machine takes 10 minutes to boot and as soon as he boots he gets advertisements all over the place. His browsing habits are monitored by software and he cannot see any webpage because of the sheer amount of toolbars that have been installed.

I know thats a slight exageration but i hope you understand my point.

I hope MSN come down on your ass for making money out of their service.

My response is...:dodgy:

Lets break down your post:

[QUOTE] if you work 10 hours a day on MessengerDiscovery, i want proof.
I very much doubt that happens, thats 70 hours a week, means you have no life other than coding Messenger Discovery. And if you really are spending 70 hours a week coding Messenger Discovery, surely you would have finished coding Version 3 in complete by now. [/QUOTE]
Ecko do has a life, infact maybe he likes to code alot better than doing anything, you have no right to say he has no life, don't come in a here and make one of your first posts against Ecko or MD.
[QUOTE] Sponsor is just a sell out's idea, get yourself some decent hosting at a fair price instead of going for ripoff eckohost.
Why do you care what host he has, from what I tell up there^^ you were telling him what to do like hes your bitch or something, if ecko_complex wants this host let him be. He doesn't need you in here screwing things up.
[QUOTE] and domain names? $6.99 USD (per annum), you'd have to be drinking turps and sleeping outside a shop window to not afford a domain name
Like I said, wtf do you care, if you don't like the way he does things, leave, we don't need you here bitchin' about MD.

in my opinion, a crappy little msn addon is not going to enrich and fulfill your life. Go and get a job working with an IT firm, go and get a degree, work on this in your spare time.
You've totally taken the ethics out of writing freeware applications, bundled with spyware, your application is now considered spyware.

Who the hell are you to tell Ecko what to do, he works hard for this addon. This still is freeware, if you don't like the fact that it has spyware in it then don't come here and bitch about ethics. 

May i remind you... developing such addons is supposed to be for fun, not to gain any profit or any crap like that. Youre basing a community on greed and untrust, the very people you are exploiting by adding such spyware to their systems, you are doing this for.
There is no greed involved at all, can you read buddy? He said that the money that he gets he spends it on the hosting or programs....and the money left over:

Q: There must be excess money coming in, where is it going to?
A: Like I said, I do buy myself something when I get paid. I will not deny that. However what I buy myself is something small, like a silent power supply for my computer or a cool t-shirt I see in a store that I've wanted.[QUOTE]
There is no greed in there.
Noone ever spywared their addons they created with the msnapi, you're just copying patchou on the back of your success.
Your success wont last long, it never will... look at all the previous sucessful msn addons.
Warrior, Arcane Light Messenger Tools, Msn Masta v3, Grimbo

It is not spyware it is a sponsor package it isn't gonna go anything to your computer to harm it in anyway, so a few simple ads...OOO BIG DEAL! cry me a river, Patchou has a sponsor package also, and your not gonna comment on that?, ooo, lets come in here and take down someones self-esteem, you come in here saying ecko's addon won't last, it has lasted longer than Grimbo messenger, and besides this is way better, to me it's worth the sponsor package.
The only one that has gone the distance is plus, but look what thats become.

Will you people ever stop this war between MD and Plus? MD is very developed.

Agreed its fair you can choose to install it whether you want or not. But
Not reading the Terms and Conditions is your own fault; the blame should not be shifted back to us for installing something they didn't want/didn't expect. Well it's your own fault you didn't read [/QUOTE]

How many users are going to install this that dont have a clue about what that means. Quite a lot, the average joe will visit mess.be download this program and then come here for the validation key. He will install the sponsor, and then wonder why after 30 days his machine takes 10 minutes to boot and as soon as he boots he gets advertisements all over the place. His browsing habits are monitored by software and he cannot see any webpage because of the sheer amount of toolbars that have been installed.

If you don't like the way things happen then don't bother, i've got enough bitching from you today, it's their own fault, like he said. 
I hope MSN come down on your ass for making money out of their service.
Won't happen, just respect the addon.

Do not come here again to bitch, you are no welcome here, if your gonna come here and bad moth Ecko and MD this way, you don't deserve to be on this forum, you don't like the sponsor cry me a river.

PS: seems that the bbcode is being gay.....

[Image: puritysig8.jpg/]
02-11-2005 02:06 PM
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RE: Some guy dissin Ecko - (long)
Seems like a very in depth post to me, people are entitled to their own unique opinion, however strong that opinion is, sometimes it shouldn't be expressed, parts of his post are true and are coming across okay, but at other parts of that guys post, he's coming across too strongly and is trying to be over powerful in getting his message across. To me, he's coming across as a shallow minded moron that only thinks about himself and his own personal opinion rather than the opinion of others that are around him and have, well, a more advanced knowledge of messenger discovery and its sponsor package.

Rather than just screw at him, like you sort of are, you should speak to him on a level that you would like to be spoken to, he would've been expecting somebody to be shouting, therefore, lowering yourself to their level, I'm going to sign up to the messenger discovery forum and have my say, I may aswell really, I've got to back up messenger discovery on this one for some reason:p...
02-11-2005 02:19 PM
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Pixie Dust!

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RE: Some guy dissin Ecko - (long)
As this has not much to do with our community, and I'm scared some flaming could occure, I'm closing it. If you saw this on MD forums, please reply there instead of here :) Thank you !

This post was edited on 02-11-2005 at 02:37 PM by Fraisie.
So, Fraisie.net is empty atm. I\'m trying to come up with something cool to put on it, and I will!
02-11-2005 02:36 PM
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