Originally posted by Matty
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Windows Messenger
The folder itself is called Messenger not Windows Messenger.
I meant it as in
"check your program folders to see if the program called Windows Messenger is there somewhere" I didn't explicitly mention the directory because that could be anything (if the user has disabled it using some crappy method (aka: renaming the directory))
my apology for being a bit to vague about it...
Originally posted by J-Thread
But the question is, how can an installer update (or even install) windows messenger correctly?
By using very strict and correct methods. Among them is checking the registry for the Windows Messenger GUID and in that way determining its path. Then checking version numbers, checking if dependant libraries (dll's) are installed/registered and what not, etc... etc... etc...
Originally posted by J-Thread
I hate to just place text on my site saying "you must download this and this and then do that". I want my installer to do it all
. I already does download dotnetfx from the microsoft servers when the .NET FrameWork isn't installed...
I do not recommend doing that! Although it _might_ be user-friendly at first sight, it actually isn't. This is because such frameworks can be updated and what not. You must realy be carefull if you do that and you must use proper methods to determine version numbers and what not. It isn't so strait forward as you might think at all! Code to do this all automatically is long and consists of many many checks and stuff. Not to mention the simple fact that some people do not want this kind of auto-install stuff going on without their consent!!! For all they know you are installing on older version of the framework (or even stuff you shouldn't install)...
Trust upon the user instead, explain what they need and where they can download it. And thus let them decide if they want it or not, if they need it or not, and thus what is installed on their computer or not.
Originally posted by J-Thread
So where to get the update?
All current updates can be found on the microsoft download center (mind you that brand new updates take a few days/weeks to be available on the download center though).
Originally posted by J-Thread
Off course I want a minimum version. And is there any registry key or something to check if the Messenger API has already been installed?
Check its GUID (IIRC {53CED51D-432B-45B2-A3E0-0CE2C24235D4}). If that is there _chances_ are that it is installed. Or better: was installed at some point (the user could've manually deleted the program without deleting/updating the reg keys. Hence, again, be very carefull in auto-installing stuff like that!!!)