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Deadly School Shooting Kills Ten, Fifteen others injured
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RE: Deadly School Shooting Kills Ten, Fifteen others injured
You Yanks need to learn to give up your guns. ;)
03-22-2005 10:19 AM
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RE: Deadly School Shooting Kills Ten, Fifteen others injured
That's awful and yet if the school steps up security measures, the children are gonna lose a school to play in freely
03-22-2005 01:27 PM
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John Anderton
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RE: Deadly School Shooting Kills Ten, Fifteen others injured
I remember a few years bak there were 2 or so such incidents in a few months in the us. Tis sad :(


03-22-2005 03:26 PM
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ph34r m3

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RE: RE: Deadly School Shooting Kills Ten, Fifteen others injured
Originally posted by Pc_Madness
You Yanks need to learn to give up your guns. ;)

Very true.. The only reason there is so much gun crime in America is because they are allowed to possess guns for "defence" ^o)

Anyone could jus go up to someone in the street and blow their head off, then claim the person attacked them. It's a good idea guns are banned here in England :D
[Image: abzmksig9ae.png]
03-22-2005 03:28 PM
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O.P. RE: Deadly School Shooting Kills Ten, Fifteen others injured
Heh, according to the news the school did have security and a metal detector and such, when the shooter set it off he shot and killed the security guard.

I dont think banning guns in U.S. would've done anything, cause his grandfather was a cop and probably had guns from those days.
03-22-2005 09:09 PM
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RE: Deadly School Shooting Kills Ten, Fifteen others injured
thats well bad
03-22-2005 09:18 PM
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O.P. RE: Deadly School Shooting Kills Ten, Fifteen others injured
Another account of what happened with Witness Accounts

Originally posted by KSTP-TV

Jeff Weise hadn't been to Red Lake High School for a while, banished to his home for a violation of school policy. When he returned to the building where he was teased as a loner and misfit, it was with guns and a plan.

It was a plan he carried out to deadly results. Weise, 17, who apparently used the German term for "Angel of Death" to identify himself on Web site postings, is believed to have killed nine people and injured 14 before shooting himself - while terrified students and teachers hid in classrooms and made desperate calls on their cell phones.

Before heading to school Monday, Weise had business to take care of at the home of his grandfather, 58-year-old Daryl Lussier, a well-liked tribal police officer. He went to the home with a .22 caliber handgun, claiming his first two victims in Lussier and his companion, 32-year-old Michelle Sigana.

Weise headed for the school shortly before 3 p.m., driving his grandfather's police vehicle, wearing his bulletproof vest and now armed with his service weapons, a shotgun and a .40 caliber pistol. Entering the school, he met two security guards and fired twice. The guards, a man and a woman, were unarmed.

The female guard, Leann Grant, was able to escape down the hall, collecting students along the way. Her partner, 28-year-old Derrick Brun, was Weise's third victim. "He was a kind and gentle person," said his cousin, Nancy Richards.

She said Brun didn't carry a gun or wear a bulletproof vest.

Students and teachers in the school heard the pops, but it wasn't clear right away what was happening. It sounded like someone banging on school lockers, according to Andrew Auginash, recounting what his 14-year-old brother Ryan told him. Auginash's brother was shot but survived.

Walking down the hallway, Weise first met a teacher and a group of students, according to authorities. They fled as he fired, but Weise followed the group into a classroom, where he shot and killed several students and a teacher, 62-year-old Neva Winnecoup Rogers.

Police and witnesses aren't certain of the exact sequence after that, but they say Weise began to wander through the school, firing indiscriminately. Authorities believe victims were chosen randomly.

Witnesses said Weise smiled and waved as he fired off shots. At some point, a fire alarm sounded.

Another student, Ashley Morrison, was in a Native Culture class when she heard shots, saying they sounded "like banging, like books." Then she saw Weise walk by her classroom, carrying what looked to her like a 12-gauge shotgun.

"I just knew he had a gun and he just started shooting everywhere," Morrison said. "We could hear numerous shots and kids screaming."

Students hid under their desks. Morrison took out her cell phone and dialed her mom, who got the call at work.

"It was my daughter and she was screaming and she was crying," said Morrison's mother, Wendy Johnson. "'Mom, he's at the door, mom, he's going to shoot me."'

Authorities said the local public safety department got several 911 calls around 2:55 p.m. reporting shots fired at the high school. One call was placed by school Superintendent Stuart Desjarlait, who used a student's cell phone as the student barred a classroom door to keep Weise out.

The student, Justin Jourdain, said Weise fired a bullet into the door, but it didn't go through. Morrison said Weise also tried but failed to get into her classroom, then moved on.

Martha Thunder said her son Cody was in a classroom that Weise entered. His first shot struck a clock on the wall, his second struck Cody in the hip, Thunder said. He survived.

Fourteen-year-old Reggie Graves said teachers moved students from room to room, trying to get as far as possible from the sounds of gunfire. Graves said he heard Weise ask a student if he believed in God, "and then he shot him."

Morrison said she and other students heard a girl scream. "He shot her and there was no more screaming, and we knew she died."

Another student, Sondra Hegstrom, told The Pioneer of Bemidji that she heard a girl saying, "No, Jeff, quit, quit. Leave me alone. What are you doing?"

In all, Weise killed five students at the school.

It's unclear how long it was between when the shooting started and police arrived at the school. Authorities said it took just two minutes for police to respond after the 911 calls, but Jourdain said he and other students waited 25 minutes before they felt safe enough to finally leave their classroom.

When police did arrive, they traded shots with Weise in the hallway. He retreated to the classroom where most of his victims lay dead, finally turning the gun on himself. Students were quickly evacuated from the school.

"We had to evacuate the school and there were just trails of blood," Morrison said. "We saw the security guard and we knew he was dead."

Source: KSTP-TV

As you read these it seems to just get worse and worse what happened to these people.  It has surfaced that the alleged shooter posted on a NeoNazi Website, but it is unclear how long that was before the shootings took place.  According to KSTP-TV, a version of his post is still cached on GOOGLE.
03-22-2005 10:31 PM
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