Originally posted by may73alliance
would it be possible to add another tab like where the handwriting tab is where there is another place for text becaus ei hate it when your trying to write something and you have to delete it and answer what your contact has put...if there was another text space you could switch to that tab, send the message and switch back to what you were writing...
what do you think?
A) I think this can't be done with a plugin (the extra tab that is)
B) The plugin would also require keystrokes to be activated, hence it isn't a solution at all.
C) You can easly use copy/paste shortcuts to obtain what you want like (CyBeRDuDe) said.
And if you find it hard to use the letters (A, C, V) because you need your two hands, or need to move your hands to much you can use the navigation keys above your arrow keys.
You're writing: "
Hello, my name is may73....."
Your contact asks: "
How old are you?"
You can easly answer by:
<HOME><SHIFT+END><CTRL+INS> (this will select and copy everything you've written so far)
* Write your answer: "
I'm 15 years old" and press
<SHIFT+INS> (this will paste back your previous writing in to the typing area)
In this way you only have to use your right hand. And it wouldn't even move that much while doing it. It is an extremely fast way, if you are used to it. Also, when you are used to using such keyboard shortcuts you'll notice that you can navigate and use Windows much much faster then with a mouse only...
<CTRL+INS> and
<SHIFT+INS> often also work in places and programs where
<CTRL+C> and
<CTRL+V> don't.