Hi you all...i know u all missed me

...back from snow today(arrived 2 hours ago) and now i'm at my brothers house...i'll upload some pics later...i'm kinda sad with pope's death so this post is kind of sad...well now 45 mins in car to get to my town...pics & comments = later...c ya later...
Here they are...well i just found out that most are c**k sucking so i'll leave these 2..
It was great cause me, my bro, my sister and my cusins went out all night to a disco...well i wasnt suposed to get in cause i am 13 but the doorman was portuguese (

there's a portuguese everywhere) so i went in anyway...the slopes where good on sunday mnday tuesday and friday...wednesday was impossible to ski, it was snowing a lot and then in thursday we skied in the morning but in the afternoon it was snowing to bad and we got out of the slopes again...

....The main idea is that i loved it once again
I'll upload some more tomorrow...bye...