Originally posted by Craga89
Wouldn't it be cool if on your contacts list and/or next to thier name on the chat, they could have the msgplus symbol?
Asked before (search the forums
). And no, this will never be done.
Originally posted by Craga89
I know you can use the Ping! method to test but, this doesn't tell you which version they have, just that they have msgplus!
1) People can disable the response to the /ping command.
2) If you want to know their version, ask them to type (!VER) if they have Plus!
Originally posted by traxor
I'm pretty sure that there used to be a feature where you used to hover over their names and a little circular plus! logo appeared.
I'm pretty sure that something alike existed to do with the contact list and those who actually had messenger plus! installed, unsure though, my mind is a bit foggy, that was back in the 6.2 days...
Something like that never existed and never will.
What you mean is the extra Plus! menu that appeared when you hoover over a contact. But this has nothing to do with them having Plus! or not.
(And the 6.2 days are far from over, it is still the official latest version. And even after 7 will be released officialy, many users will still use 6.2 for a long time)
Originally posted by Craga89
I think the version number would be good, or some text saying what features they have enabled like Custom Sounds and stuff.
that would certainly be an invasion of privacy...
Originally posted by Craga89
I jsut found out from my friend that when you go to a contact, Right Click, Messenger! Plus options and click Contact Inormation it tells you if they have it or not.
No it wont!!! You have to press the ping button, which will do exactly what the /ping command do. The information stored in the contact information panel is what the last ping result was (weither you use the ping command yourself, or pressed the button there). As Ezra said, this will not be done automatically, and when your contact uninstalls Plus! or even disables the answering to the Plus! command, this information will not be updated unless you ping them again.