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help on google earth
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RE: help on google earth
Originally posted by guanako
yea one like last month i think with maya language that says something is gonna happend on 2012

Could my theory really be true?

Seriously, that makes me think almost 100% about my theory.  I wanna get this shit published.  Except in a better form.  :|

Holy fuck that's crazy.\

Originally posted by Purity's blog
I have a theory, me and my brother got really deep one night, and he talked to me about this, and this makes more sense than anything.

In the bible it talk about the apoc neer the end. It says that before the apoc that there will be 3 major wars, k so we’ve had world war 1, and world war2. World war 3 is next, and I believe it’s happening right now, the last world war is to last 10 years, until the apoc. I think that we have 7 more years until the apoc, it was sept 11 when the war was starting, so 10 more years after is 2012, exactly, we;ve had our 12 prophets.

“when there is no more room in hell, then the dead will walk the earth” -bible 2012!

I’m sure that 2012 has somethign to do with the bible, maybe like a hidden message? never know.

The way I see it is that, it’s not like everything is gonna be like heavy killing and burning and sacrificing in 2012, I just think that our society will go down down down, look at teh society these days, drugs drugs drugs, diseases, cancer, tsunami’s, tornados on the other side of the world. Has it already started. crystal meth- that’ll fuck up our society so fast. So are these nukes that iran has planned on being made in 5 years.

Our world wouldn’t be so shitty if it wasn’t for bush, he didnt have to make it worse than it was.

War is not the answer, who does he think he is, some old guy that wants to kill a bunch of innocent people? or what? He could have left it alone, sure the family’s would be mad of their loved ones dieing on sept 11, but it would be worth it. He is just making things worse, he’s making things worse for other countries, look at the london bombings. wtf is that! terrorists. I’m gonna guess that bush is gonna do something about that too, not his coutry but what ever, he’ll find a way to get involved, he thinks that no one wants to fuck with him because hes got hte biggest and best fuckin army in the world. Im trailing off my topic but do you see how fuckin shitty this society is, that we’re all gonna end up killing each other pretty much.

I can get way deeper than this, if I read the bible, this post would be alot longer, but I dont feel like taking the time to reading it. I would be deep, I’m sure that I’d get way deeper if you were talking to me in person.

And yes, I hate to think of the world ending like this, I hate the idea of it ending soon maybe. But that’s a kick in the ass for the people who fucked up are society and left it like it is right now.

btw the gas price is practically a dollar? if that means anything to our society.

Edit: (thanks to mik, for bringing this to my attention even more)
The people that are in charge are too dumb fucked in the head thinking of money etc, to do anything about this society, and the people that are smart enough to do anything get shut down by the ones in charge, they get doors slammed in their face, phones hung up on them.

The people that are smart enough to help the world have no reach to anything that can even get them started, its out of reach.


I've thought this for awhile.  I think alot more about it in my head, that's just scratching the surface of what I think. :|

Feel free to split this post.

can some one please tell me more about this maya language stuff in 2012.

There has to be alot more to this.
[Image: puritysig8.jpg/]
09-13-2005 12:01 AM
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O.P. RE: help on google earth
you 'theory' is alrite but why take it against bush, and what he has done, this has been said alot times laready, when ww2 was goin on they said oh it probally the end of the world but na... nathin happend, if he wanted to fucked up the world like you wuold say, he would have done it, he is the leader of most powerful nation on earth, and the maya thing on 2012 is about the predicting some changes in the enviorment, on the year 2012 the sun, erath, moon and osme other planet are gonna line up and it talks about humans coming in touch w/ another form of life.
[Image: guanako20.png]
09-13-2005 12:14 AM
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RE: help on google earth
Just that bush has done so much to make this whole thing worse, but it's not like we can avoid it.  It was planned to happen. :-/

Please don't take the article personally or anything.  It's not fully detailed at all.
[Image: puritysig8.jpg/]
09-13-2005 12:16 AM
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RE: help on google earth
Wasnt this a thread bout google earth??
lol  anyway, if the cropsigns appeared recently, they may not be on google earth, some images there may be up to 3 years old, i researched.
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
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09-13-2005 12:22 AM
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RE: help on google earth
ya this world is getting pretty corupt and i am pretty sure God will end it soon ...but im sure God will wait until it gets even more currupt which would only take a few years.
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09-13-2005 12:51 AM
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O.P. RE: help on google earth
how would it end? that would suck, star all over again :S
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09-13-2005 01:47 AM
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RE: help on google earth
I think it would all happen naturally, I think that we'd destroy ouselves in a sense.
[Image: puritysig8.jpg/]
09-13-2005 03:46 AM
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RE: help on google earth
That googlesightseeing website is really cool! This one is wierd: Unintentional People

This post was edited on 09-13-2005 at 01:15 PM by WDZ.
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09-13-2005 04:04 AM
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RE: help on google earth
Wow i love purity's theory its pretty good and plausible it all matches with what Nosferatu said too.

guanako, What has bush made wrong??

WTH, lets start with the environment, he completely disrespects the environment for the sake of Economy, he starts a war in Iraq just because of a personal reason aka his father or maybe because of the oil, doesnt matter, what matters is that people are dieing including american soldiers because of that nonsense war, and oh, BTW he lied to the whole world and the world doesnt say anyfirckingthing about it.

That only makes the hate for USA higher specially among the arabic countries which now want to attack all the ocidental world because of our beloved bush, congrats bush you just made terrorism go even higher, because of you Los Angeles and Melbourne are now their targets too.

Yeah Australia has a bit of responsability because they went to Iraq too they supported that stupid war, my country, Portugal went too but they attacked Spain because they think Portugal is part of Spain ( sorry to say this, but thank god they suck at geography ), more countries like Italy etc,etc supported USA and are now their targets too, THESE COUNTRIES "trusted" Bush and now Bush just doesnt care about them while they are being attacked by the fu*kin terrorists.

What surprises me is that Bush is still fu*king up the world and noone puts him away of there!
He is fu*king up his country and he is still there!!

Bill Clinton just coz of a god damn blowjob was expelt, Bush killed thousands and is still there happy as a monkey ( sorry monkeys ).

Visit this site to know more ( i didnt take all my conclusions from there, btw ): http://www.thebushpresidency.org/index.htm

Im just gonna post a reply someone posted on Neowin.net forums, i saved it to a .txt file because i thought it was a masterpiece of a comment:

"who put Saddamozier into power in the first place? who sold him the chemical and nuclear materials in the first place? The CIA has been organizing regime change for 50 years. They have removed many governments that are unfriendly to US corporate interests and replaced them with regimes that are more likely to work closely and slavishly to carry out the economic and geopolitical desires of the US corporate elite. Another very good example of a CIA-organized regime change was a coup in 1963 that employed political assassination, mass imprisonment, torture and murder. This was the military coup that first brought Saddam Hussein's beloved Ba'ath Party to power in Iraq.

US created the problem, and on purpose put the sanctions on Iraq starving to death thousands of children and women.

who got caught torturing the iraqis? attorny general gonzalez even admits to allowing torture. when they got caught, they let the underlings fall.
go to this site to know the side of Iraq the corporate owned mainstream media and press won't talk about:

look at NCorea. There, men are barely 5 foot tall due to lack of food. how inhumane. why don't US invade NCorea. because NCorea learned having REAL Nukes will prevent an attack from the US, and NCorea has no OIL. and the corporations in the US will NEVEr allow a war in NCorea becasue that will risk endangering their stocks and investment in China, Japan, Taiwan, and SCorea."
09-13-2005 02:07 PM
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RE: help on google earth
The people that are running US arn't smart enough to figure it out their selves.  But the people that are smart enough to do a damn thing about it can't do shit, no one cares, no goverment cares.
[Image: puritysig8.jpg/]
09-13-2005 02:11 PM
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