Well i dunno where to post this.. this is something for MSN Messenger Testers.. i think..
What i want is an Apply Button like the screenshot.. Sometimes i dont want to use a DP.. and i need to open the window again.. and surf in My DP collection..
But if you have an apply button.. then u can select that.. but u can still browse ur DP collection.. i dunno i like this
And i know.. this is a MsgPlus forum.. but i dont know any other place to post this
And sorry about my English..
This post was edited on 09-13-2005 at 06:25 AM by blackjack.
Maybe they think about other stuff.. Like bloating msn with useless features and they dont care about improving others .. Well thats just an idea i had.
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RE: DP Thing.. Suggestion
Some people think features such as Winks and Voice Clips are bloatware, but someone must have wanted them. In fact, quite a few someones. After all, think of the times when the MSN team has held a public discussion about Messenger past, present and future.
However it may be, this is a minor improvement and could be quite useful to some people. It's not a whole new thing that couldn't be done before, so it can't pragmattically be requested to MSN