Well.. Posted this yesterday.. It apparently went into the wrong thread.. Dont' ask me how!
Well.. here it is:
If you know HOW to do this in VB you can do it with 3-4 lines of code..
It's very simple infact... I might be able to get some time tomorrow to spit out some code for you...
All you need it is Microsoft's TTS (Text-To-Speech) engine, use the component in there... Call it by using a command like TTS1.Speak "BLah"...
Declare the With Event objMSN as Messenger.MessengerApi (and of course set the reference to the API)..
In the initilize of the plugin set the objMSN = oMessenger...
Use the event OnContactStatusChange or something... When a contacts logs in (changes his status from offline - online/any other status), use the TTS1.Speak contact.friendlyname code... That should kinda do the trick..
Remember this is only explanation, I don't remember all the correct codes, and don't have time to find them for you right now... Though this of course needs the TTS engine installed on the computer.. But most (if not all) xp's have this... So.. Shouldn't be much of a problem... Hope anyone can use this information... If I need to be more specific, then write, and I'll try to explain it a litle better for however wants to do this...