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Poll: What function(s) of Hopper you've seldom/never used and are unlikely to use in the near future?
Universal Hop (show you Appear Offline then Online)
Contact-Specific Hop (block/unblock your contacts)
Conversation-window commands (like /xhop, /xhopcnt...etc)
Hopper Control Center
Hop with Custom messages in notification windows
Delayed Hop
Change nickname and Hop (the one-way ones: /xhopnick and /xhopnick2)
All or some of PH-Toasts (/xhopsend, /xhopping, Contact Information)
In-Program Help (not the readme on Hopper website)
Check for Update
I use all the functions because I love Hopper very much! (L)
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What function(s) of Hopper have you NEVER used?
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O.P. What function(s) of Hopper have you NEVER used?
The development of the next version of Hopper will begin soon (soon = as long as I am not inundated by studies = some months later :P). The next version will be completely reconstructed/recoded and yes, that means reshaping of this little proggy. I made it too hasty coding/releasing Hopper³ (some of you might remember that it was used as one of my projects when I applied for university last year), and thus I didn't consider what functions to obsolete. But now I think spending some time thinking of what features to stay and what to discard would be worthwhile :)

That being said, "reshaping", for now, does not mean taking into consideration possible new features to bring to Hopper. Currently, reshaping is to port only popular or userful functions from Hopper³ to the new Hopper (it's a safe guess that the new version will be named HopperLive, if I follow the Live trend). That is, little-used functions in Hopper³ will be unavailable in the new version. This can help me from being distracted from little-used functions and make Hopper easier to maintain, too.

Hopper, unlike Plus!, does not have any internal statistics function, so I don't know overall what functions my users do use and what functions they never even take a look at. However, making a poll on the forums should be a way for me to have some basic idea of the usage of Hopper.

Here is the list of functional components of Hopper. Please choose the functions you've SELDOM/NEVER used, and ARE UNLIKELY TO USE in the near future when you use Hopper. If in the list you see any function you never know to exist in Hopper, that's an option you definitely have to choose.
By the way, to help me determine how many people have voted, it is important that you vote "I use all the functions" if you do love every piece of Hopper and want everything to be kept.

If there is anything you can't express by voting only, please reply this thread. And yes, I'm still open for new feature suggestions, but I can't promise anything, because I haven't even started designing the new structure (and actually, unlikely in a short while). I'm making this poll much early because I want to make sure it has enough time to gather meaningful data. Meaningful = having many people vote.

One final question: The user interface of Hopper³ looks dull for me (again it's because I had no time for GUI), agree or disagree (please reply if you have ideas on this question and even better, ideas for new GUI)?

Any comment would be much appricated :)

This post was edited on 03-30-2006 at 03:20 PM by Mnjul.
03-28-2006 07:01 PM
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RE: What function(s) of Hopper have you never used?
a good program but once i used the features once they get old and the time restriction sux :P

so ive never reallly used it
{WindowsLive Butterfly ~ 2006 - 2009}
03-28-2006 07:19 PM
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RE: What function(s) of Hopper have you never used?
I don't often use it,
never now because I have WLM and no plus! :(
But when I had plus! i did use it,
the only thing that madew me dislike it was the way it blocked/unblocked contacts or changed your status to online and (appear) offline.
This meant that i couldnt not use it when i was having an interactive conversation (webcam, voice, video, games etc)
It would be really cool if in the new version it didn't do that and just send toasts (if it is possable, i have a feeling that it wont be :( )
anyway - it's a great plugin so keep up the good work and i look forward to the release of yet another great product :)
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03-28-2006 07:43 PM
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RE: What function(s) of Hopper have you never used?
i just used that plug-in once, but worked good (Y) good job.

This post was edited on 03-28-2006 at 07:55 PM by tony.
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03-28-2006 07:53 PM
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O.P. RE: What function(s) of Hopper have you NEVER used?
Only 15 votes? That really disappoints me... :(

Originally posted by DJKAL
This meant that i couldnt not use it when i was having an interactive conversation (webcam, voice, video, games etc)
It would be really cool if in the new version it didn't do that and just send toasts (if it is possable, i have a feeling that it wont be
No, it's not possible...time to use PH-Toasts then:)
04-06-2006 03:16 PM
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Cloud Strife
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RE: What function(s) of Hopper have you NEVER used?
i have already vote for this one:

In-Program Help (not the readme on Hopper website)*
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04-22-2006 08:07 AM
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RE: What function(s) of Hopper have you NEVER used?
hopper is cool the 2-3 times you use it... but i dont see any sense in this plug-in....
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04-27-2006 11:28 AM
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John Anderton
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RE: What function(s) of Hopper have you NEVER used?
Originally posted by Mnjul
Only 15 votes?
Its 31 now :<
I love it ..... :D All the functions ... so now hopper is going to be a script or something ?


04-27-2006 02:11 PM
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O.P. RE: What function(s) of Hopper have you NEVER used?
Originally posted by John Anderton
so now hopper is going to be a script or something ?

Mainly it's a script. There will still be a DLL for some advanced features. For example, I haven't found a way to integrate system-wide hotkeys (I'm talking about HopKey, yeah) into scripts, so I'll have to do that in a DLL. :)
04-28-2006 05:36 PM
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RE: What function(s) of Hopper have you NEVER used?
I wasn't able to use any as every time I would load it, it would crash MSN Messenger. Not sure why though? prehaps it didn't agree with another piece of software I had at the time???

This post was edited on 06-18-2006 at 01:02 AM by MattyRid.
Red Bull Racing Australia - Triple Eight Race Engineering - Holden
06-17-2006 03:34 PM
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