What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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WLM and MPL4
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RE: RE: WLM and MPL4
Originally posted by traxor
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Also, wj doesn't say if it is just a rename (include WLM in the title) or adding another subforum (which would be IMO totally useless and far more confusing).

I completely disagree, the whole user interface has completely changed for everything.
That does not mean a new forum should be made. The change in GUI is not important, most stuff still stays the same.

There was never a new forum for when Messenger changed user interfaces, never a new forum for when there were changes in Plus! menus and preference, etc.

Making a new forum will seriously confuse many people, will produce even more duplicated threads, threads in the wrong forum, more work for mods, etc. etc. It is of no use and will in fact cause more chaos and duplicated threads and people not "finding" their stuff because they are searching in wrong subforums (if they search at all).

A new subforum isn't needed just because an UI changes or even because some internal code changes. Plus! will still be Plus!, Messenger will still be Messenger.

The only new subforum which I could see usefull would be "scripts" as that is requires a completely different approach than "plugins". Will have its specific problems and what not. (Though even there is a grey-area where general talk about plugins and script will overlap eachother).

This post was edited on 05-22-2006 at 09:55 AM by CookieRevised.
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05-22-2006 09:51 AM
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RE: WLM and MPL4
i agree with cookie, you don't need a new fourm, just because theres a new name does not mean you can't post it in there, plus!live can go in plus forums, and WLM in the MSN

there could how ever be a new forum theme, since it IS a new GUI for not only WLM but also Plus!live
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05-22-2006 10:09 AM
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O.P. RE: WLM and MPL4
Well a lot of the help stuff are entirely different. For example, I have never experienced 80004005 on MSN, but on WLM, i experience it like almost twice a week...and Messenger Plus! Live is recoded right? Then there might be new errors to it.... There are also no more Plug-ins, so a Scripts/Add-ins section should also be added........and adding 3 more forums will not take up a lot of scrolling, maybe only a few cm or none........*-)

BTW...I never thought this thread would be sooo popular!:o)(Y):o)(Y)
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06-12-2006 09:30 PM
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RE: WLM and MPL4
Lets leave it at this. Patch is going to be directing us twoards the forum changes and alike, So until then, Sit on your hands and resist the urge to spam with threads like this. We've got things under control.
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06-12-2006 09:40 PM
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