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msg plus uninstalling every signin
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O.P. msg plus uninstalling every signin
Hi ppl I have been having this trouble for a while, I install messenger plus, the I can use it cool, and the next time I sigin on to my msn messenger plus is no there, by some sort of evil magic it is been uninstalled, I checked the program files folder, and its gone! yesterday I installed the current version that is avilable to download on the site(3.63.148), and also installed the version of msn messenger(7.5.0324) that is on msn site, and still have that problem.  I know it is not a messenger plus bug, because it will be the stupidest thing a developper will do, dont know if it is some problem with my antivirus(Norton Corp. Edition 7.5) or antispyware (counter spy 1.5.268) or with any other sort of  whatever it could be. any sugestions? ideas? references? known bugs? help?

05-26-2006 10:29 PM
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RE: msg plus uninstalling every signin
Make sure when you install that nothing is preventing writing in the registry (and that you have permission on that account for installing programs). Some AV programs and antispyware programs have that build in, if you notice this it might be wise to dc from the net for a bit and turn off those programs when you install.

If it is a program that kills "unneeded" processes (plus! not hooking, folder still there) then setting the hookingmethod to alternate might help aswell:
- Plus > preferences > miscellaneous..under Messenger Plus! Automatic Recovery Options, set it to "Alternate".
- Reboot
- Start MSNM and check if it's still in alternate mode
- Ctrl alt del to go to taskmanager and in processeslist end msgplus.exe
- Now restart MSNM and see if Plus! appears in the menu, if so "alternate mode" is working fine.
- After checking you can remove Plus! from startuplist by going to: start > run ..type: msconfig <enter>, go to startuplist and uncheck MsgPlus (this step isn't really needed, if need be Plus! will switch to "Allternate" by itself, just check if it's still set to "Alternate" every now and then).

Alternate mode is only available in Windows 2000/XP. When you set hooking to "alternate" Messenger Plus! will be started when you start MSN Messenger (or Windows Messenger). Again make sure you got no programs running preventing writing in the registry whilst setting it to "alternate mode" (an example of this sorta program is AdWatch, part of AdAware SE).

If you use another OS, try "default mode - forced".

This post was edited on 05-26-2006 at 11:14 PM by Sunshine.
[Image: 25dr3o9]
05-26-2006 11:06 PM
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O.P. RE: msg plus uninstalling every signin
putting plus Automatic Recovery Options on alternate, worked for a week but then again msg plus was f**k up

again. I cheked all spyware/virus etc no one seems to be blocking plus, I do have all admin privileges on this computer, etc, dont know what else could be
06-20-2006 04:58 PM
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