Originally posted by Fuzzles
My alerts aren't working, these are nudges and th noise when a contact writes a message.
First of all, this isn't a Messenger Plus! issue (you posted this in the Plus! subforum first), but an issue with MSN Messenger itself.
Second, can you give more details:
- What is your current MSN Messenger version you're using.
- What was the MSN Messenger version you used before?
These are important as there is a bug with Windows Live Messenger (MSN Messenger 8.0). If you installed WLM and removed it again and go back to, let's say, MSN Messenger 7.5, it is quite possible that the default sounds don't work anymore.
If this is the case (you installed WLM and went back to msnmsgr 7.5) then this issue has been handled already a couple of times on the forums:
wher did my sounds go?
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