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Msn never running MsgPlus by default
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O.P. Msn never running MsgPlus by default
Hello !

On my windows XP machine, I am using Msn with Messenger Plus.
I run this machine with admin priviledge.
Everything works (almost) without bugs for me, so I am very happy with
this "Plus" software.

But !

Every time I run Msn Messenger, it will get "Online" WITHOUT the
Messenger Plus valuable extension, and it will force me to check
for a popup window that restarts Msn Messenger WITH the "Plus"
Ok, this issue is no big deal, but quite annoying though, because
I use this software almost every day ;)

Below is more details about what is happenning when I run Msn.

Cheers !!!



First step : I run Msn, it gets "logged in".
When logged in the Msn Messenger version is : 7.5.0299, and the "Plus"
extension isn't available.

After a while, I will get a popup window (see attached file "popup.gif"),
that invites me to get things "repaired". I tried the three options in
this popup window, but it ain't change anything.

Then, Msn Messenger logs off, is restarted, logs in again, and this time
WITH Messenger Plus extension running !

At this step, the Msn Messenger version is : 7.5.0324

I cna send another file showing a list of all processes running
on my machine.
I have stopped almost all services.
There is as few programs running as possible.

.gif File Attachment: popup.GIF (18.72 KB)
This file has been downloaded 166 time(s).
06-21-2006 09:57 AM
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RE: Msn never running MsgPlus by default
Make sure when you install that nothing is preventing writing in the registry (and that you have permission on that account for installing programs). Some AV programs and antispyware programs have that build in, if you notice this it might be wise to dc from the net for a bit and turn off those programs when you install.

If it is a program that kills "unneeded" processes (plus! not hooking, folder still there) then setting the hookingmethod to alternate might help aswell:
- Plus > preferences > miscellaneous..under Messenger Plus! Automatic Recovery Options, set it to "Alternate".
- Reboot
- Start MSNM and check if it's still in alternate mode
- Ctrl alt del to go to taskmanager and in processeslist end msgplus.exe
- Now restart MSNM and see if Plus! appears in the menu, if so "alternate mode" is working fine.
- After checking you can remove Plus! from startuplist by going to: start > run ..type: msconfig <enter>, go to startuplist and uncheck MsgPlus (this step isn't really needed, if need be Plus! will switch to "Allternate" by itself, just check if it's still set to "Alternate" every now and then).

Alternate mode is only available in Windows 2000/XP. When you set hooking to "alternate" Messenger Plus! will be started when you start MSN Messenger (or Windows Messenger). Again make sure you got no programs running preventing writing in the registry whilst setting it to "alternate mode" (an example of this sorta program is AdWatch, part of AdAware SE).

If you use another OS, try "default mode - forced".
[Image: 25dr3o9]
06-21-2006 10:22 AM
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RE: Msn never running MsgPlus by default
Originally posted by n.lemmer
First step : I run Msn, it gets "logged in".
When logged in the Msn Messenger version is : 7.5.0299, and the "Plus"
extension isn't available.

After a while, I will get a popup window (see attached file "popup.gif"),
that invites me to get things "repaired". I tried the three options in
this popup window, but it ain't change anything.

Then, Msn Messenger logs off, is restarted, logs in again, and this time
WITH Messenger Plus extension running !

At this step, the Msn Messenger version is : 7.5.0324
For starters, when you choose one of those repair options, you need to restart Messenger (or even your computer). The repair is only done on the next startup, it isn't done immediatly...

Second, Plus! does not alter a version number of Messenger in any way. The fact that you see one version number and next time another, indicates that your MSN Messenger installation is screwed-up to begin with.

So fix that first.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-21-2006 10:42 AM
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O.P. RE: Msn never running MsgPlus by default
Hello CookieRevised and Sunshine,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

Thanks to your suggestion, I have no more problem during Msn
Now, the Messenger Plus is running fine on Msn startup.

I think I could do better, but I tried the "simple way"

I removed completely both programs : Msn, and Messenger Plus.

Then I killed all running programs, such as antivirus software,
and I re-installed Msn, then Messenger Plus.

I guess the "recovery procedure" may have worked,
assumed I could disable antivirus and all registry-related software,
but I did not take time to try it, as I think re-installing
the programs was a simple enough procedure.

And it worked !

So, I'm very happy now using Msn & Messenger Plus, since
I have really no trouble using them :)

Have a happy day,


06-21-2006 03:13 PM
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