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Timezone Script
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O.P. Timezone Script
Hi Everyone,

I'd like to create a script that appends a contacts timezone or the actual time in their location to the end of their name in the contact list. If this is not possible then I'd like to create a script to work out the time in a contacts location and display this as a message/popup. Does anyone know if it is possible to get the information about time/timezone from a contacts details ?

PS - fantastic work by the way Patchou - awesome application as usual (Y)
06-25-2006 10:31 AM
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RE: Timezone Script
Originally posted by sjholt
Hi Everyone,

I'd like to create a script that appends a contacts timezone or the actual time in their location to the end of their name in the contact list. If this is not possible then I'd like to create a script to work out the time in a contacts location and display this as a message/popup. Does anyone know if it is possible to get the information about time/timezone from a contacts details ?

PS - fantastic work by the way Patchou - awesome application as usual (Y)

I thought about such a feature/script too however:

** append a contacts timezone or the actual time in their location to the end of their name in the contact list.
=> This is not possible as you can not modify such things. The best you could do is to create a nickname for the user and constantly update it. But this is a very lame-ass and bad way of doing it if you attempt to do this with a script.

As for a built in feature in Plus!Live, it is possible, but I also doubt something like this will be added.

** I'd like to create a script to work out the time in a contacts location
=> It is not possible to determine in which timezone a contact is without explicitly asking this.

You could, in theory, determine the timezone by looking at the IP-address of your contact, but that is not always accurate (although in almost all cases it will be accurate enough). But this also requires a good way to grab the IP-address and that is not easly and in a clean way doable.

** ...and display this as a message/popup.
=> When are you going to show this popup? Are you constantly going to show a popup window or constantly messaging a text? That would be highly annoying... Or will it be a dialog window which is constantly on top? And how would you determine from which contact you would like to see the timezone of?


Many questions and many things to consider... If such a feature is included or such a script is made, it would usefull to some people (hell, I would use it too). But there is no easy/clean way to make something like this automated...


Also see:
"Attaching timezone attributes to my chat list - A Suggestion"

Always search forums for same or related topics before asking a question

This post was edited on 06-27-2006 at 12:12 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-25-2006 12:08 PM
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