iTunes+ has gone from being the highest rated script (jjuuussttt over Plus!Mail) and now it's suddenly got 0 stars and dropped off the list completely.
The number of ratings hardly changed. It was in the 60s and it's still in the 60s. It'd take a lot more ratings to destroy it so much as 4.5 something to 0.
Posts: 5532 Reputation: 102
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Joined: Mar 2002
RE: My Script Suddenly Has 0 Stars
I think I might have accidentally hit "reset rating" instead of "reset date" when I updated your script. Fixed it so you're about the same level as Plus!Mail again.
Posts: 5532 Reputation: 102
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Joined: Mar 2002
RE: My Script Suddenly Has 0 Stars
Hmm, I have ineed not edited yours today according to the submit inbox (I added/edited like 15 today, so I don't remember all the titles). But there isn't a submit from you today. Don't know what happened then, strange.
Please report again when you see something like this again.
This post was edited on 06-27-2006 at 10:42 PM by Menthix.